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Setup / Installation problem
« Last post by lmerlet on August 14, 2009, 03:25:38 am »

I want to install CalemEAM on Windows 2003 Server.
Installation process works well until database creation. After about 20-30 seconds, a blank screen is displayed with "CalemEAM Commercial Open Source Products".
I have checked database structure : 189 tables are created, but no data inserted.
CalemEAM log file doesn't contains any error.

I try with both wamp and xampp environment, with express setup and custom setup.

Please let me know if there is a solution.


Laurent MERLET

Use CalemEAM for ITAM / Re: LDAP & CalemEAM
« Last post by calemadmin on July 31, 2009, 09:37:33 am »
If Calem Enterprise is an option for your organization, it has integration to support both LDAP and non-LDAP users at the same time.
Asset / 'Simple' Search
« Last post by malibu on July 31, 2009, 01:33:12 am »

Im new to CalemEAM, and it is defenitly the tool we where looking for!

Only there is one issue: the search in the asset list is a bit "nasty" to start searching.
What i would like to do is to add a "simple" search.

Just type in the asset and press enter and just open that asset...
Will that be possible? and if yes, can someone help me to code it/integrate it?

The idea behind this is to be able to quick-search assets with our barcode system,
just scan the barcode in the quick search and you got your product!

Hope someone can help me with creating a quick search in calemeam!
Use CalemEAM for ITAM / LDAP & CalemEAM
« Last post by mnmhema on July 31, 2009, 12:32:04 am »
Is it possible to get user data from LDAP to CalemEAM?
Work order / Show planned parts on print report
« Last post by notanother on July 21, 2009, 10:19:51 am »
Is there a way to get planned parts to display when you select print on the work order module?
Asset / A way to view asset history ?
« Last post by Aureus on July 12, 2009, 02:47:34 am »
Hi everybody !

I discover CalemEAM Community Ed. before choosing this CMMS or another one... I have installed it and it runs pretty good

But I have some questions :

Is there a way to generate a report (paper, pdf ... ?) concerning a chosen asset ?

Thanks !

Setup / After Login successful Loading next is problem.
« Last post by lourdurajan on July 01, 2009, 04:30:48 am »

I have installed the CalemEAM in my PC. I can able to logged in successful but the next page is not opening. I am getting Script Error message continuously 5 times, message like "Invalid Character".After click no from script dialogue then Empty page will opened.

When i have a look on log, getting following

2009-07-01 10:00:53,038 INFO  main - uri=/CALEMEAM/index.php, post: username=admin&password=admin_password&lang=&loadmode=gzip&theme=calem&debug=&calemAction=LoginAction, agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
2009-07-01 10:00:53,038 INFO  MysqlHandler - calem db connection: user=admin, password=***, , connection=mysql:host=localhost;dbname=calemEAM, persistent connection=Array
2009-07-01 10:00:53,038 DEBUG CalemUserDbo - fetchBySqlParam: select * from users where username=?, param='admin'
2009-07-01 10:00:53,038 DEBUG CalemPDOStatement - Query time:0.0019, the query=select * from users where username=?, params=array (
  1 => 'admin',
2009-07-01 10:00:54,038 INFO  main - Found the correct session: CalemSession: {sessionId=b8b8fd46-3ce6-ee54-89d1-1d84b33e799a, id=1000000, name=admin}
2009-07-01 10:00:54,038 DEBUG main - Cookie set to: {sid: 'b8b8fd46-3ce6-ee54-89d1-1d84b33e799a', gid: 'CUSTOM_SYSTEM', uid: '1000000', uname: 'admin', full_name: 'Administrator', admin_type_id: 'search_admin_none', locale: 'en', team_id: ''}
2009-07-01 10:00:54,038 INFO  main - Received request to launch: client/launchpad/CalemStart.php, aid=
2009-07-01 10:00:54,038 DEBUG main - theme=calem, loadMode=gzip, lang=
2009-07-01 10:00:54,038 DEBUG main - localeList=[{id: "en", desc: "English (US)"},{id: "en_AU", desc: "English (Australia)"},{id: "en_CA", desc: "English (Canada)"},{id: "en_GB", desc: "English (UK)"},{id: "de_DE", desc: "Deutsch (Deutschland)"},{id: "de_LU", desc: "Deutsch (Luxemburg)"},{id: "de_AT", desc: "Deutsch (Österreich)"},{id: "de_CH", desc: "Deutsch (Schweiz)"}]
2009-07-01 10:00:56,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Metadata.js.gz
2009-07-01 10:00:56,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2009-07-01 10:00:56,647 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/CalemMsg.js.gz
2009-07-01 10:00:56,647 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2009-07-01 10:00:57,041 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Ajax.js.gz
2009-07-01 10:00:57,041 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2009-07-01 10:00:58,152 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Calem.js.gz
2009-07-01 10:00:58,152 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2009-07-01 10:00:59,151 INFO  JsPkgCustom - Found the correct session: CalemSession: {sessionId=b8b8fd46-3ce6-ee54-89d1-1d84b33e799a, data=array (
  'sid' => 'b8b8fd46-3ce6-ee54-89d1-1d84b33e799a',
  'setting' =>
  array (
    'lang' => '',
    'theme' => 'calem',
    'loadmode' => 'gzip',
    'login_time' => 1246442453,
  'user' =>
  array (
    'id' => '1000000',
    'username' => 'admin',
    'status_id' => NULL,
    'password' => 'dc3565645d8002becb5fd7977aeef3e1',
    'user_type_id' => NULL,
    'emp_no' => NULL,
    'contractor_id' => NULL,
    'job_role_id' => NULL,
    'login_allowed' => '1',
    'full_name' => 'Administrator',
    'job_title' => NULL,
    'note' => NULL,
    'acl_group_id' => 'CUSTOM_SYSTEM',
    'admin_type_id' => 'search_admin_none',
    'team_id' => NULL,
    'supervisor_id' => NULL,
    'dept_id' => NULL,
    'costcode_id' => NULL,
    'req_approval_id' => NULL,
    'po_approval_id' => NULL,
    'craft_id' => NULL,
    'phone_work' => NULL,
    'phone_home' => NULL,
    'phone_mobile' => NULL,
    'email_work' => NULL,
    'email_other' => NULL,
    'im1_type_id' => NULL,
    'im1_id' => NULL,
    'im2_type_id' => NULL,
    'im2_id' => NULL,
    'fax' => NULL,
    'company' => NULL,
    'street1' => NULL,
    'street2' => NULL,
    'city' => NULL,
    'state' => NULL,
    'zip' => NULL,
    'country' => NULL,
    'modified_time' => '2009-06-30 09:59:43',
    'modified_id' => '1000000',
    'created_time' => '2009-06-26 09:42:00',
    'created_id' => '1000000',
2009-07-01 10:00:59,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/custom/group/CALEM_OOB.view.js.min
2009-07-01 10:00:59,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\Program Files\sugarcrm-5.0.0f\htdocs\CalemEAM/custom/group/CALEM_OOB.form.js.min
2009-07-01 10:00:59,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding jsDef for download: CalemData['acl_group']={"data":[["10000","ADMIN","CUSTOM_SYSTEM","Root group to use for all admin groups","2009-06-30 09:59:46","1000000","2009-06-26 09:42:01","1000000"],["10001","USERS","CUSTOM_SYSTEM","Root group to use for all non-admin users","2009-06-30 09:59:46","1000000","2009-06-26 09:42:01","1000000"],["CUSTOM_SYSTEM","Custom system",null,"Customization\/configuration shared by all other groups","2009-06-30 09:59:41","1000000","2009-06-26 09:42:00","1000000"]],"parentMap":{"10000":["CUSTOM_SYSTEM","CALEM_OOB"],"10001":["CUSTOM_SYSTEM","CALEM_OOB"],"CUSTOM_SYSTEM":["CUSTOM_SYSTEM","CALEM_OOB"]}}

2009-07-01 10:00:59,151 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.min, fileCount=23

Kindly help me to open the loading page...

Work order / How to add custom field to workorder
« Last post by kosti on June 23, 2009, 06:19:00 am »

I would like to add a field called "cbm_link" to workorder. This field is about to point external link, which provides more information from condition monitoring system.
I have succeeded creating new field to table "workorder" in mysql-database  but I don't know how to make this field be shown in workorder view...?

Common / Re: How to build
« Last post by hu97224 on June 18, 2009, 11:43:11 am »
It will be nice to have some documentation on how to build so rest of the Open Source community can go from there.
Common / Re: Need help adding module
« Last post by hu97224 on June 18, 2009, 11:42:28 am »
it would be nice to have a build instruction, then we can figure from there.
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