Calem Community Forum

General => Setup => Topic started by: nicolafi on January 04, 2008, 02:35:53 am

Title: Italian/Russian/French Language
Post by: nicolafi on January 04, 2008, 02:35:53 am
I'm new to CalemEam and I'm trying to understand if it fits for my organization.
One of our need is certainly the language: we have a multilanguage organization, so we need to work with some client in english, other in italian, other in french, other in russian. Does the system permit this? Has anyone already translated the system in these languages?
Thanks a lot for your reply.

Title: Italian/Russian/French Language
Post by: calemadmin on January 04, 2008, 07:14:56 pm
Take a look at Mantis issues and select project of Project Proposals for language packs proposed and worked on.
Title: Italian/Russian/French Language
Post by: kenshin02200 on January 05, 2008, 11:38:37 am
I presente, my name is Patrick, I am French and I am looking for the translation into French.
I thought that was multilingual CalemEAM but that I had not.
Maybe somebody would have an early translation or explanation for the start.
CalemEAM seems really well, it interests me a lot.
Excuse me for my English because it is really bad. Thank GOOGLE
If you have any contact for a French pack
Thanks in advance
Title: French Language
Post by: srivo on January 28, 2008, 09:07:39 am
Yes there is a french language pack underway. It's probably at more then 50% done.

The files are available in the mantis.