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Work order / how to edit the work order template for users
« Last post by edwsin on February 24, 2011, 12:27:47 am »
hi there,
Is there anyone in here could help me to modify the work order template for users..?

I just want to disable the buttons for:
- delete
- edit, once one of the wo is open
- delete, once one of the wo is open
- reopen the work order, once one of the wo is open

Any help will be much very pleaseeed...
Thank You in advanced,
Common / Re: Online Condition Monitoring module for CalemEAM
« Last post by hanshandlampe on February 17, 2011, 04:58:59 am »
Hello edwsin,

Yes, I created this module, it is my work. Just read the conclusion of the paper, that is what I think about CalemEAM »community edition«. It is the same situation since a couple of month here. Do not expect any help, especially not from the developers of this software.

Common / Re: Online Condition Monitoring module for CalemEAM
« Last post by edwsin on February 11, 2011, 01:38:57 am »
Hi there,
I Think there is no one here will respond from the developer  :(

Are you the one who create the module..?
Common / Online Condition Monitoring module for CalemEAM
« Last post by hanshandlampe on February 06, 2011, 08:55:47 am »
Hello everyone,

I just published the source code and the documentation of an Online Condition Monitoring (OCM) module for CalemEAM on my website.
I developed this during an internship in Bandung, Indonesia. It has very basic functionality, but see the paper for more information.

This may helps other developers to get »into the source code«.
The URL is

Inventory / Vendor unit cost dosen't update after check in?
« Last post by Nordi1984 on December 01, 2010, 04:07:23 am »

I've seen a problem with the update of Vendor unit cost when i check in or recive av part in Stock. If the Vendor unit cost is set to 100 and I check in a part i Stock with the cost of 50, then Calem should change the value in Vendor unit cost to 50.

How to resolve this problem? How should the code be written?

Best Regards,
Other modules / Re: can not upload any attachment(document)
« Last post by ray_deng on November 27, 2010, 08:50:22 am »
When I upload a attacment,for example,picture of a asset,it will be no response after click save botton.
The file is uploaded in Server\upload_files\public,but can not see in CalemEAM web-site.
Could somebody advise me how to solute this problem.This function is very important to us.Thank you.
If use a client to log in,then has no problem.If log in in via server IE,has problem.So the problem is not a real problem.
Other modules / can not upload any attachment(document)
« Last post by ray_deng on November 26, 2010, 09:34:38 am »
When I upload a attacment,for example,picture of a asset,it will be no response after click save botton.
The file is uploaded in Server\upload_files\public,but can not see in CalemEAM web-site.
Could somebody advise me how to solute this problem.This function is very important to us.Thank you.
Announcements / Re: Release 2.2 planned for Q4
« Last post by edwsin on October 12, 2010, 10:05:29 pm »
hi..its over the end of Q3, when is the new release will be available...?
and why is this community forum is like a graveyard..? :(

Thank you,,
Inventory / Re: Can´t change quantity to 0 from etc 2 with button (Physical count)
« Last post by Nordi1984 on September 17, 2010, 02:01:54 pm »
Here´s the next source code in CalemInTranBo.php that most be changed to make it work.
Even here have I printed "//Adjusted by CHNO" were the change are.

    * Set stock level
   private function _setStock($inDbo, $in_id, $location_id, $qty) {
      //Adjust stock level
      try {
         $stocks=$stockDbo->fetchBySqlParam('select * from in_stock where in_id=? and location_id=?',
               array($in_id, $location_id));


         //Adjusted by CHNO, if the user print 0 accept 0 and put it in stock table
         if ($qty==0){
         $stockDbo->setValue('qty', 0);
         $stockDbo->setValue('qty', $qty);

      } catch (CalemDboDataNotFoundException $ex) {
         //Add a new location here.
      //Re-calculate stock level
      $sc=$inDbo->getCountBySqlParam('select sum(qty) from in_stock where in_id=?', array($in_id));
      $inDbo->setValue('qty_in_stock', $sc);
      return $oldQty;
Inventory / Re: Can´t change quantity to 0 from etc 2 with button (Physical count)
« Last post by Nordi1984 on September 17, 2010, 01:57:12 pm »

I´ve resolve my own issue :)  Hope this will be useful for other that uses Calem Community.

I have printed "//Adjusted by CHNO" where the changes are.
This is the adjusted source code in CalemInTranBo.php:

    * Physical counting transaction (both part and tool are the same)
    * @param in_id - item id
    * @param location_id - stock location id
    * @param qty - qty to set to
    * @param costcode_id - costcode  
    * @param note - note
    * @param tran_time - time transaction happened
    * @param tran_user_id - who did the counting
    * @param store_user_id - staff performed the transaction
   public function physical($tran, $rollback=false) {
      if ($this->logger->isInfoEnabled()) $this->logger->info("Physical transaction: " . var_export($tran, true));
      //Adjusted by CHNO, accept quantity = 0 in transaction table
      if ($tran['qty']<0) return;

      //Get valuation handler to find out unit cost                           
      try {
         //Now starts a transaction
         //Lock inventory table first
         $inDbo->executeBySqlParam('select id from inventory where id=? for update', $tran['in_id']);
         //Update stock level
         $oldQty= $this->_setStock($inDbo, $tran['in_id'], $tran['location_id'], $tran['qty']);
         //Add inTransaction
         $it['type_id']= 'itt_physical';

         //Adjusted by CHNO, if the user print 0 accept 0 and put it in transaction table      
         if ($tran['qty']==0){

         $it['costcode_id']=isset($tran['costcode_id']) ? $tran['costcode_id'] : null;
         $it['note']=isset($tran['note'])? $tran['note'] : null;
         $it['tran_user_id']=isset($tran['tran_user_id']) ? $tran['tran_user_id'] : null;
         $it['store_user_id']=isset($tran['store_user_id']) ? $tran['store_user_id'] : null;
         //Generating a unique id
         //Notify transactions
         $this->notify($this->conf['physical']['notifier_list'], $it);
         //Review order, etc.
         $this->inBo->onInStockLevelChanged($tran['in_id'], $inDbo);
         //Commit transaction
         return $it;
      }catch (Exception $ex) {
         if ($rollback) $inDbo->rollback();
         $this->logger->error('Error in check out transaction: ' . $ex->getMessage() . ', tran=' . var_export($tran, true));
         throw $ex;

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