I know this is very tiresome, but after reading through every post on the forum related to this problem, I still cannot login.
I am getting the same set of errors reported by others; but none of the solutions have worked.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. It looks like a really cool product....
WinXP Home, SP2
Apache 2.0.52, MySQL 5.0.51a, PHP 5.2.5 (installed separately)
Apache2/conf/httpd.conf does not have any extensions configured
PHP/php.ini has the following extensions configured:
php.ini also has PEAR in the path:
include_path = ".;c:\Program Files\PHP\PEAR"
There are no other php.ini files on my system, in c:/windows or elsewhere.
I've restarted Apache (several times) after changing the php.ini and httpd.conf files. It starts up with no errors.
PEAR modules installed
Archive_Tar; Console_Getopt; HTTP_Request; Net_Socket; Net_URL; PEAR; SOAP; Structures_Graph; XML_Parser
I've verified there is a database user 'calemeam', password 'calemeam'. I can login to MySQL as this user, using MySQL Query Browser.
I've verified there is a record in the user table 'admin', password md5('admin_password'). I updated it manually just in case:
update users set password=md5('admin_password') where username = 'admin';
I have followed all the steps in the setup Guide, except #5 (chart setup).
I've re-run step #7 (client deploy). When I try it again, it says "logging is already configured"
Below are the errors I'm getting:
(note: calem.dunn.org resolves to localhost. I have it setup in my local 'hosts' file since I'm running a number of sites locally)
Apache error log:
[Tue Apr 22 23:26:16 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in C:\\web\\calem\\CalemEAM\\server\\include\\log4php\\LoggerAppender.php on line 73, referer:
http://calem.dunn.org/CalemEAM/index.php[Tue Apr 22 23:26:16 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in C:\\web\\calem\\CalemEAM\\server\\include\\log4php\\LoggerPropertyConfigurator.php on line 565, referer:
http://calem.dunn.org/CalemEAM/index.php[Tue Apr 22 23:26:16 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: aid in C:\\web\\calem\\CalemEAM\\index.php on line 44, referer:
http://calem.dunn.org/CalemEAM/index.php[Tue Apr 22 23:26:17 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: CALEM_LANG in C:\\web\\calem\\CalemEAM\\client\\launchpad\\CalemLoginLite.php on line 32, referer:
php error log
2008-04-22 23:26:16,972 DEBUG main - sid=; aid=, Post data: username=admin&password=admin_password&lang=&loadmode=gzip&theme=calem&debug=&calemAction=LoginAction
2008-04-22 23:26:17,972 INFO MysqlHandler - calem db connection: user=calemeam, password=***, , connection=mysql:host=localhost;dbname=calemeam, persistent connection=Array
2008-04-22 23:26:17,972 ERROR main - Exception in processing login. Error msg=#0 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\CalemPdo.php(53): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=loca...', 'calemeam', 'calemeam', Array)
#1 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\mysql\MysqlHandler.php(148): CalemPdo->__construct('mysql:host=loca...', 'calemeam', 'calemeam', Array)
#2 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\CalemDbo.php(79): MysqlHandler->getCalemConnection()
#3 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\include\core\CalemFactory.php(146): CalemDbo->__construct()
#4 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\include\core\CalemFactory.php(98): CalemFactory::createInstance(Array)
#5 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\modules\admin\CalemUserDbo.php(48): CalemFactory::getDbo('users')
#6 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\modules\admin\CalemSecurityBo.php(62): CalemUserDbo::findByUsername('admin')
#7 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\server\modules\admin\soap\CalemLoginSo.php(67): CalemSecurityBo->verifyLogin('admin', 'admin_password')
#8 C:\web\calem\CalemEAM\index.php(57): CalemLoginSo::doLogin('admin', 'admin_password')
#9 {main}