To start with, place both and under CalemEAM\client\lang.
Next is to edit configuration to a) instruct CalemEAM to build Spanish resources and b) set default language to Spanish. This is done by editing CalemEAM\server\conf\calem.custom.php
Add the following lines to calem.custom.php:
* Add spanish
'I18nMsg'=>array('I18nMsg', 'I18nMsg_es', 'I18nMsg_es_ES'),
'CalemMsg'=>array('CalemMsg_es', 'CalemMsgCustom_es'));
Note you may need to set I18nMsg_es_XX to your location (I used Spain in the sample above). Make sure the XX you used has a corresponding file in CalemEAM\client\lang.
Next step is to build the language resource for Spanish. Go to CalemEAM\bin, issue the following command:
deploy.bat build
(or for Linux). After the command is executed go to CalemEAM\client\launchpad\resource, verify that CalemMsg_es.js, CalemMsg_es.js.min, CalemMsg_es.js.gz and CalemMsg_es.phpo are generated.
The last step is to change a script file:
- open CalemEAM\client\launchpad\CalemIncludeJsPkg.php
- Find the following line (line 51)
- Replace it with:
That's all to get Spanish to display in CalemEAM.