Author Topic: Is there a walkthrough for the web based setup potion of the install?  (Read 2884 times)


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Is there a walkthrough for the web based setup potion of the install?

I have been through both the setup procedure on the calemeam page as well as the wiki and it's just not detailed or clear enough for me to understand.  I keep having to skip things that I don't get but the parts that are written out well, I can get through.

I am stuck at the portion of the install that creates the database and the admin and user passwords.  Nothing works and the users it suggests to use: admin/admin_password do not work.

Can someone please tell me where to go to RTFM?

Thank you



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Re: Is there a walkthrough for the web based setup potion of the install?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 11:39:33 pm »
You need to give more details about your mysql installation.

I am assuming that you have not added any password for 'root' after installing mysql .

Choose express setup in database setup.

For Database Host put in 'localhost' (If mysql is installed on your local computer)

For Admin user put in 'root'

Leave the password blank (If you have not configured any password for 'root')

For CalemEAM user put in any username you want, it will be created in 'mysql'

For password put in anything you want.

For Database put in any database name you want to be created.

Select the load sample data if you want sample data to be loaded in the new database. Otherwise a blank database will be created.


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Re: Is there a walkthrough for the web based setup potion of the install?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 11:36:35 am »
You are correct.  I did not create a password for the root user after I created the MYSQL database.  I simply followed the instructions to the T.

Your instructions worked!  Thank you for the help.



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I cannot launch the web install, I am using XP PC, Wampserver 2.0 and CalemEAM 2.1, what did I miss? 


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I had to switch to xampp to make it work on xp machine.