Modify configuration to use PHP to minify js library.
Modify CalemEAM/server/conf/custom.php
$_CALEM_dist['jsminClass']=array('path'=>'build', 'class'=>'CalemJsMinPhp');
A php version of jsmin is used instead of jsmin.exe
Watch out the log for memory usage, on Linux with CalemJsMinPhp, a significant amount of RAM (about 250MB) has to be set in php.ini to have it run while on Windows this does not seem an issue. Just in case, this is the php.ini for command line, at \wamp\php\php.ini. If you received memory size exceeded issue, extend memory (memory_limit = 8M) from 8M to say 128M for it to run.
We plan to remove the dependency on jsmin for next release: