Hello to all,
Have my install configured to utilize port 88. I have virtual host configured to utilize doc root of C:\Program Files\xampp\CalemEAM
Bypassed the problem with the spaces in directory names by placing Progra~1 for Program Files works fine otherwise I would not have been able to run scripts to install database and sample data.
I also applied the patch for utilizing ports other than 80 and installed that file in the client/lauchpad.
Modified calem.custom.php on line 21 from '/' to '' because it would place a double // on my Once I edited line 21 it removed the double forward slashes.
However I believe the problem is with lines 23 through 24 because nothing happens after I login. I only get to see the flash "Loading" and then a gray screen which tells me that the CalemSoapService.php was not able to load the modules. However, no errors are returned so must be a problem within theses lines.
Yes, SOAP,XML,PDO are installed and enabled.
Receive the following debug errors in IE 7.0...Firefox has the same results
---------------------------------First Error-------------------------------------
Line: 2
Char: 1
Error: Syntax Error
Code: 0
URL: Error------------------------------------
Char: 111
Error: 'data' is null or not an object
Code: 0
URL: anyone has gotten install to work on a port other than 80 would like to hear what problems you encountered.
Thanks to all, have a great day!