I have installl CAlemEam On windows Xp on localhost and my machine have Apache/2.2.0 (Win32) PHP/5.1.2 i get login box complete but after login i do not get any output it display blank page.
Error on CalenEAM/logs/calem.log is like:
2008-03-28 06:29:15,119 DEBUG main - sid=; aid=, Post data:
2008-03-28 06:29:15,119 DEBUG main - CALEM_SID passed in: array (
'sid' => 'de736e54-06f9-df74-e10c-46c50ab800ea',
'gid' => '10000',
'uid' => '1002',
'uname' => 'paresh@admin.com',
'full_name' => 'Mark Patterson',
'admin_type_id' => 'search_admin_none',
'locale' => 'en',
'team_id' => '',
2008-03-28 06:29:15,119 INFO main - Received request to launch: client/launchpad/CalemLoginLite.php, aid=
2008-03-28 06:29:26,949 DEBUG main - sid=; aid=, Post data: username=admin&password=admin_password&lang=&loadmode=gzip&theme=calem&debug=&calemAction=LoginAction
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 INFO MysqlHandler - calem db connection: user=calemeam, password=***, , connection=mysql:host=localhost;dbname=calemeam, persistent connection=Array
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 DEBUG CalemUserDbo - fetchBySqlParam: select * from users where username=?, param='admin'
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 DEBUG CalemPDOStatement - Query time:0.0009, the query=select * from users where username=?, params=array (
1 => 'admin',
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 INFO main - Found the correct session: CalemSession: {sessionId=f391c54b-ff89-b434-ed28-8b64d4ebaec7, data=array (
'sid' => 'f391c54b-ff89-b434-ed28-8b64d4ebaec7',
'setting' =>
array (
'lang' => '',
'theme' => 'calem',
'loadmode' => 'gzip',
'login_time' => 1206685767,
'user' =>
array (
'id' => '1000000',
'username' => 'admin',
'status_id' => NULL,
'password' => 'dc3565645d8002becb5fd7977aeef3e1',
'user_type_id' => NULL,
'emp_no' => NULL,
'contractor_id' => NULL,
'job_role_id' => NULL,
'login_allowed' => '1',
'full_name' => 'Administrator',
'job_title' => NULL,
'note' => NULL,
'acl_group_id' => 'CUSTOM_SYSTEM',
'admin_type_id' => 'search_admin_none',
'team_id' => NULL,
'supervisor_id' => NULL,
'dept_id' => NULL,
'costcode_id' => NULL,
'req_approval_id' => NULL,
'po_approval_id' => NULL,
'craft_id' => NULL,
'phone_work' => NULL,
'phone_home' => NULL,
'phone_mobile' => NULL,
'email_work' => NULL,
'email_other' => NULL,
'im1_type_id' => NULL,
'im1_id' => NULL,
'im2_type_id' => NULL,
'im2_id' => NULL,
'fax' => NULL,
'company' => NULL,
'street1' => NULL,
'street2' => NULL,
'city' => NULL,
'state' => NULL,
'zip' => NULL,
'country' => NULL,
'modified_time' => '2008-03-27 09:30:35',
'modified_id' => '1000000',
'created_time' => '2008-03-27 09:30:35',
'created_id' => '1000000',
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 DEBUG main - Cookie set to: {sid: 'f391c54b-ff89-b434-ed28-8b64d4ebaec7', gid: 'CUSTOM_SYSTEM', uid: '1000000', uname: 'admin', full_name: 'Administrator', admin_type_id: 'search_admin_none', locale: 'en', team_id: ''}
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 INFO main - Received request to launch: client/launchpad/CalemStart.php, aid=
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 DEBUG main - theme=calem, loadMode=gzip, lang=
2008-03-28 06:29:27,949 DEBUG main - localeList=[{id: "en", desc: "English (US)"},{id: "en_AU", desc: "English (Australia)"},{id: "en_CA", desc: "English (Canada)"},{id: "en_GB", desc: "English (UK)"}]
2008-03-28 06:29:27,116 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Metadata.js.gz
2008-03-28 06:29:27,116 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2008-03-28 06:29:27,162 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/CalemMsg.js.gz
2008-03-28 06:29:27,162 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2008-03-28 06:29:27,209 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Ajax.js.gz
2008-03-28 06:29:27,209 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2008-03-28 06:29:27,537 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - adding file for download: C:\apache2triad\htdocs\CalemEAM/client/launchpad/resource/Calem.js.gz
2008-03-28 06:29:27,537 DEBUG CalemIncludeJsPkg - Downloading JS by query: zip=1, mode=.gz, fileCount=1
2008-03-28 06:29:28,406 INFO JsPkgCustom - Found the correct session: CalemSession: {sessionId=f391c54b-ff89-b434-ed28-8b64d4ebaec7, data=array (
'sid' => 'f391c54b-ff89-b434-ed28-8b64d4ebaec7',
'setting' =>
array (
'lang' => '',
'theme' => 'calem',
'loadmode' => 'gzip',
'login_time' => 1206685767,
'user' =>
array (
'id' => '1000000',
'username' => 'admin',
'status_id' => NULL,
'password' => 'dc3565645d8002becb5fd7977aeef3e1',
'user_type_id' => NULL,
'emp_no' => NULL,
'contractor_id' => NULL,
'job_role_id' => NULL,
'login_allowed' => '1',
'full_name' => 'Administrator',
'job_title' => NULL,
'note' => NULL,
'acl_group_id' => 'CUSTOM_SYSTEM',
'admin_type_id' => 'search_admin_none',
'team_id' => NULL,
'supervisor_id' => NULL,
'dept_id' => NULL,
'costcode_id' => NULL,
'req_approval_id' => NULL,
'po_approval_id' => NULL,
'craft_id' => NULL,
'phone_work' => NULL,
'phone_home' => NULL,
'phone_mobile' => NULL,
'email_work' => NULL,
'email_other' => NULL,
'im1_type_id' => NULL,
'im1_id' => NULL,
'im2_type_id' => NULL,
'im2_id' => NULL,
'fax' => NULL,
'company' => NULL,
'street1' => NULL,
'street2' => NULL,
'city' => NULL,
'state' => NULL,
'zip' => NULL,
'country' => NULL,
'modified_time' => '2008-03-27 09:30:35',
'modified_id' => '1000000',
'created_time' => '2008-03-27 09:30:35',
'created_id' => '1000000',
in IE brrowser it gives error like
char 111
error 'data' is null or not an object
Code 0
http://localhost/CalemEAM/index.phpin php log in apachetriadcp panel it gives errot like:
[28-Mar-2008 09:40:21] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: json_encode() in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\CalemEAM\public\JsPkgCustom.php on line 71
In mozila it gives error like:
aclGroup is undefined
CalemCachedGroups(CalemCache _staleMax=120000 _processDelay=10 _cache=Object)JsPkg.php?js=Cale... (line 1775)
launch()JsPkg.php?js=Cale... (line 4377)
launch()index.php (line 86)
_setupListener(load )JsPkg.php?js=Ajax... (line 10)
[Break on this error] function CalemCachedGroups(cache){if(arguments.length==0)return;var id='acl_grou...
http://localhost/CalemEAM/public/JsPkg.php?js=Calem&loadmode=gzip line 1775
Please give me help urgent.