Author Topic: E-mail based workorder submission  (Read 4730 times)


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E-mail based workorder submission
« on: February 05, 2008, 05:54:51 pm »
An important feature that appears to be missing is e-mail based work order submission for IT work order management.

Generally speaking, users won't use a work order system to submit work orders for assistance if it takes much more than filling out and sending an e-mail.

I would map these e-mail fields to the following form fields in Calem:

Subject -> WO Note field

Body -> WO Description field

Dates and times would be automatically generated, and the user requesting assistance could be resolved based on the From: e-mail address.

Tim Boyden
Network Administrator


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getmail and getmail_fetch
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 09:22:48 am »
Looked into this a little more from a development aspect...

The Linux utility getmail and it's scripting sub-utility getmail_fetch would be an ideal way of implementing this on Linux based servers. See documentation here:

getmail_fetch would allow polling a POP3 server and retreiving messages to a mbox type file. This file could then be parsed and it's content imported to a Calem WO via a CLI PHP script. The scripts would then be included in a cron script to run at a user specified schedule.

This is something I could write easily, but I'm not familar with Calem's WO generation process, and that would be prerequiset to implementing this. It looks like Calem has a SOAP interface but I'm not sure if has an API for WO generation.

If anyone would like to suggest how to do the WO generation aspect of this, I'd be happy to code it up and document it.


Tim Boyden
Network Administrator


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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 06:47:20 am »
Has there been any development on this request? I would really like to see this feature added.. as well as email notification to our maitenance staff that a new ticket has been created..



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E-mail based workorder submission
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 11:46:13 am »
I'd like this too. The system my compnay currently uses has this feature and it's about the only thing that Clem lacks that this system has. If we had that I could probably swing us into a full Calem implentation.