Looked into this a little more from a development aspect...
The Linux utility getmail and it's scripting sub-utility getmail_fetch would be an ideal way of implementing this on Linux based servers. See documentation here:
http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/getmail_fetch would allow polling a POP3 server and retreiving messages to a mbox type file. This file could then be parsed and it's content imported to a Calem WO via a CLI PHP script. The scripts would then be included in a cron script to run at a user specified schedule.
This is something I could write easily, but I'm not familar with Calem's WO generation process, and that would be prerequiset to implementing this. It looks like Calem has a SOAP interface but I'm not sure if has an API for WO generation.
If anyone would like to suggest how to do the WO generation aspect of this, I'd be happy to code it up and document it.
Tim Boyden
Network Administrator