i did not find any error on that perticular moment..

again, i try to restore my database and delete some entries to 3312. i log in to calem. everything ok. i try to input manually. everything ok, and the last line show the exact data like this example:
3313 | asset/01/2008 | cpu | acer | finance | sub-dealer
but when i refesh it, the lines become like this:
3313 | asset/01/2008 | cpu | ....... | ........... | ................
3314 | ...................... | ....... | acer | finance | sub-dealer
(the dots mean blank)
the "acer", "finance", "sub-dealer" belong to custom field (zc_asset)
i log out and try log in, it won't dislay the asset again.
so i check the mysql and the last entry that i input are both in the same position 3313 (in table "asset" and table "zc_asset).