Here is a snap shot of the LOG.... unknown column avg_unit_cost???
2008-06-11 09:12:59,231 DEBUG CalemPdo - Transaction already started for CalemDbo.update@381 by CalemDbo.beginTransaction@653
2008-06-11 09:12:59,231 ERROR CalemInDbo - Update exception: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'avg_unit_cost' in 'field list', errorInfo: array (
0 => '42S22',
1 => 1054,
2 => 'Unknown column \'avg_unit_cost\' in \'field list\'',
2008-06-11 09:12:59,231 DEBUG CalemInDbo - errorInfo=array (
0 => '42S22',
1 => 1054,
2 => 'Unknown column \'avg_unit_cost\' in \'field list\'',
), sql=update inventory set avg_unit_cost = ?, modified_id = ?, modified_time = ? where id = '77590675-3b63-ecc4-95b4-d9819e48ecb1', changes=array (
'id' => false,
'avg_unit_cost' => true,
'modified_id' => true,
'modified_time' => true,
), row=array (
'in_no' => '4UK12',
'oemcode' => NULL,
'qty_in_stock' => NULL,
'description' => 'Epoxy Adhesive, Container Size 50 Milliliters, Shear Strength 3000 to 6000 PSI, Substrates Metals, Thermoplastic, Thermoset Plastic, Glass, Ceramic, Masonry, Paper/Hardboard, Work Life 120 Minutes, Ultra Strength, Non Sag Aerospace Grade, Amber ',
'note' => 'Adhesive,Epoxy, Hysol E-120P Ultra-Strength',
'ave_unit_cost' => NULL,
'min_level' => NULL,
'max_level' => NULL,
'type_id' => 'b1040a2b-7223-7274-61a1-92379756e3f8',
'category_id' => 'icg_part',
'stock_type_id' => 'ist_stock',
'valuation_type_id' => 'inv_avg',
'abc_id' => 'in_abc_c',
'abc_time' => '2008-05-27 21:57:52',
'uom_id' => '10001',
'rent_uom_id' => NULL,
'rent_rate' => NULL,
'qty_on_order' => '1',
'qty_reserved' => NULL,
'qty_to_order' => NULL,
'order_gen_id' => 'inog_manual',
'order_type_id' => 'in_order_demand',
'reorder_point' => NULL,
'reorder_qty' => '1',
'owner_user_id' => NULL,
'notification_id' => NULL,
'costcode_id' => '21f82620-6690-a8c4-c510-173f3f05a77d',
'modified_time' => '2008-06-11 14:12:59',
'modified_id' => '01140f18-1657-3164-05c4-bd1367e8cd01',
'created_time' => '2008-05-27 21:57:52',
'created_id' => 'a364852c-a18b-b8d4-2551-3e46ccccfeeb',
'id' => '77590675-3b63-ecc4-95b4-d9819e48ecb1',
'avg_unit_cost' => 2.99,
2008-06-11 09:12:59,231 DEBUG CalemPdo - Rollback called by CalemDbo.rollback@657 , transaction stack=CalemDbo.beginTransaction@653 ,CalemDbo.update@381
2008-06-11 09:12:59,231 ERROR CalemInTranBo - Error in check out transaction: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'avg_unit_cost' in 'field list', tran=array (
'in_id' => '77590675-3b63-ecc4-95b4-d9819e48ecb1',
'receipt_no' => '1111111',
'receive_type_id' => 'irf_credit',
'qty' => '1',
'unit_cost' => '2.99',
'uom_id' => '10001',
'costcode_id' => '21f82620-6690-a8c4-c510-173f3f05a77d',
'tran_time' => '2008-06-11 13:34:00',
'tran_user_id' => '01140f18-1657-3164-05c4-bd1367e8cd01',
'store_user_id' => '01140f18-1657-3164-05c4-bd1367e8cd01',
'qty_remaining' => '1',
'receive_from_id' => '1111111',
'location_id' => '7a996b93-8827-9ea4-1d9f-b7124b7b8459',