Some novice users might have problem installing CalemEAM. To install it you need to have Apache, MySql & PHP installed on your system.
There are a number of packages like Wamp, Xampp etc. which installs all three on your windows PC.
I couldn't properly install CalemEAM on Wamp , but it works perfectly on Xampp.
I have installed CalemEAM on Xampplite and uploaded it here: extract it anywhere and run 'setup_xampp.bat'. It will give an option to refresh the Xampp installation. Press 1 and then enter. You are now ready to run the XAMPP server.
Now run the xampp-control and start Apache and MySql. Open your browser and type
http://localhost/calemeam/. You should get a log in screen. The username is 'admin' and the password is 'admin_password'.
If you want to remove xampp, simply open xampp-control and stop PHP & MySql, then exit it and delete the xampplite folder. There is no installation or uninstallation hassle. Enjoy

Note: The installation folder is still there in htdocs\CalemEAM. I have just renamed it to installation1. If you want to reinstall CalemEAM, simply rename it back to installation and go to
http://localhost/calemeam/installation. I have given the database name 'calemeam' and username/password is admin/admin_password.