Author Topic: Work order list disappeared ... help  (Read 3515 times)


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Work order list disappeared ... help
« on: October 21, 2009, 02:41:29 am »
Hi ,

I am a medical Engineer at an eye hospital , we have recently been trying out CalemEAM in our department and I must say very successfully , I have met a snag recently and this comes after weeks of data input of our assets , spares and work orders so i am upset somewhat at teh thought of losing data  , the problem is when i open the work order list  module , instead of getting the usual list of work orders i get this

This should be what i get

i have not lost my work orders because i can see that i still have them from my dashboard

also say when i open "my requests"  etc

The problem occurred when  I was attempting to add a new custom field to the work order list table from the admin table design , not sure exactly what i did .  HELP please ...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 02:44:44 am by fathimq »