This blog has been revised by this blog. You may review this blog along the updated blog.

An Inventory Valuation report has been added in release R2019c. The valuation is calculated by inventory transactions and an optional reference valuation from other sources (such as a financial system).

  • Menu path: Inventory | Report | Transactions/Valuation | Report by Valuation
  • The "Valuation Date" is the date of the valuation to calculate. The resulting valuation is the one by the end of the valuation date (by mid-night).
  • A reference valuation may be added through the "Valuation Reference" menu.
    • The reference valuation may be from other sources such as your financial systems. It is the inventory valuation at the reference time for the whole inventory (if not site is specified), or for a site if a site is specified.
  • The inventory valuation is calculated by the transaction valuation changes, and an optional reference valuation.

Click "Valuation Reference" menu in the screenshot above to manage reference valuations: 

​If no reference valuation is provided the inventory valuation is based on transaction valuation changes.

Otherwise, the valuation is calculated by the reference valuation, and valuation changes from transactions between reference time and the time of the valuation date.