Author Topic: Error running createSchema.bat during setup  (Read 4294 times)


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Error running createSchema.bat during setup
« on: December 30, 2007, 10:29:07 am »
The error messages are as follow:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' in C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\CalemPdo.php:53
Stack trace:
#0 C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\CalemPdo.php(53): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=', NULL, NULL, NULL)
#1 C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\mysql\MysqlHandler.php(180): CalemPdo->__construct('mysql:host=', NULL, NULL)
#2 C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\setup\CalemCreateSchema.php(52): MysqlHandler->getDatabaseAdminConnection()
#3 C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\setup\CreateSchemaCmd.php(44): CalemCreateSchema->setupDatabase()
#4 {main}
  thrown in C:\wamp\www\CalemEAM\server\include\core\database\CalemPdo.php on line 53

I've no idea where ODBC@localhost come from.
Any suggestion how to troubleshoot & fix the problem?
I'm running Calem 2.0.1, Apache 2.2.6, PHP 5.2.5 & MySQL 5.0.45.


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Error running createSchema.bat during setup
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 03:44:57 pm »
The login info is configured in Step 4 of the Setup Guide. So verify that based on the Setup Guide.
Calem Community Forum Admin


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Error running createSchema.bat during setup
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2007, 07:18:14 pm »
Requote step 4:
4. Configure CalemEAM
Go to 'CalemEAM/server/conf', copy calem.custom.sample.php to calem.custom.php (for releases prior to r1.0.2, copy 'install.sample.php' to 'install.php', 'custom.sample.php' to 'custom.php'), then configure the properties.
$_CALEM_dist['calem_db_name'] = 'calemeam';
$_CALEM_dist['calem_db_host'] = 'localhost';
$_CALEM_dist['calem_db_user'] = 'calemeam';
$_CALEM_dist['calem_db_password'] = 'calemeam';

//Application host
$_CALEM_dist['calem_application_host'] = 'localhost';

//Admin user name and password to create Calem DB
$_CALEM_dist['db_admin_user'] = 'root';
$_CALEM_dist['db_admin_password'] = '';

/*** URI configuration*/

What values I need to put for Admin user name and password to create Calem DB? How about other properties? Can you provide examples?

My main folders structure
 Directory of c:\wamp
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          .
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          ..
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          alias
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          apps
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          bin
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          help
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          lang
23/12/2007  10:07 PM    <DIR>          logs
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          scripts
30/12/2007  11:47 PM    <DIR>          tmp
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          www
23/12/2007  05:03 PM    <DIR>          www\calemEAM

Sorry to trouble you as  I'm new to open source software installation.


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Error running createSchema.bat during setup
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 08:06:11 am »
The configuration above is all you need to create DB and load sample data.

You have 'calemEAM' not 'CalemEAM' in the path. You may change the directory from 'calemEAM' to 'CalemEAM'; or alterntaively change 'CalemEAM' to 'calemEAM' in the configuration you listed above. Do the same for env.bat under calemEAM/bin to match up the directory name.
Calem Community Forum Admin