I don't know if anyone else has ran into this problem, but I did. Running of the scheduler.bat file to generate work orders (PM's) would result in an error on line #35 of the code. Upon inspection of the code... there was a bracker ] where it didn't belong. See below...
2nd line after (CALEM_DIR' ..... Remove the bracket ] and save
if (!defined('_CALEM_DIR_')) {
if (getenv('CALEM_DIR'])) {
define('_CALEM_DIR_', getenv('CALEM_DIR'));
if (!defined('_CALEM_DIR_')) {
if (getenv('CALEM_DIR')) {
define('_CALEM_DIR_', getenv('CALEM_DIR'));
Anyway... this worked for me and my automatic work order generation has been working fine now.
Also... this change I had to make with the previous version of Calem when 2.0 came out and just today I upgraded to 2.0.1 and had to make the change yet again. Before I thought maybe this was a mistake on myt end, but now I think it may be something more.
Hope this helps others
Casey Swett