Author Topic: Workorder Time Discrepancy  (Read 4424 times)


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Workorder Time Discrepancy
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:17:56 pm »
The time displayed on the workorder form, workorder print-out, and the value in the db are all different for the same field.  For example,

On the screen for the Origination Time Requested, a record shows:  Wed, 5/11/11 7:55 AM
The printout shows:  Wed, 05/11/11 1:55 pm
The database value for the orig_time field is:  2011-05-11 11:55:00

Why are all three different, for the same field?  I checked the time on the server, and the timezone and both are correct.  Can anything be done about this?




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Re: Workorder Time Discrepancy
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 12:20:49 pm »
The time displayed on the workorder form, workorder print-out, and the value in the db are all different for the same field.  For example,

On the screen for the Origination Time Requested, a record shows:  Wed, 5/11/11 7:55 AM
The printout shows:  Wed, 05/11/11 1:55 pm
The database value for the orig_time field is:  2011-05-11 11:55:00

Why are all three different, for the same field?  I checked the time on the server, and the timezone and both are correct.  Can anything be done about this?



This turned out to be a setting in my php.ini file.  For some reason it was set to Berlin, Germany timezone.  I never set the timezone in php.ini so, it must have been that way from the initial install (This was a VMWare VM with XAMPP installed)