Calem Enterprise R2024a in April 2024

CalemEAM announced the availability of Calem Enterprise R2024a on April 23, 2024. The release includes exciting features and bug fixes based on customer feedbacks. Calem Mobile is included in this release.

  • Mouse Wheel scrolling sluggish in List Views.
  • Dashboard Summary KPI titles missing when maximized
  • Added "In-Progress" lane in Work Order Kanban board
  • One-Step Inventory Transfer Checkout
  • One-Step Inventory Disposal
  • Work order step condition surfaced to work orders
  • Work order repairs to have quantity over 1 in REQs and POs
  • Dashboard: PO/Receipt - PO Total incorrect
  • Calem API for data format of data upload row.
  • Calem API for In-Bound Physical Count Transactions
  • WO timeline view to show time of a status change
  • A total of 46 cases addressed in the release

Support Cases Resolved in R2024a

9227  [Report] WO PDF Print - warning "Continue" or "Continue 2" - Option 2
9225  [User Interface] Label change: Off-Site -> Offsite
9220  [Asset] CalemMobile: Asset Map is not showing
9217  [Inventory] Inventory transaction failure - the dialog has no close button
9216  [Work order] Time error when entering WO Labor hours
9215  [Data Upload] Asset Upload: asset status change comments
9214  [Inventory] ERP Integration - Inbound Physical Count Transaction
9211  [Dashboard] Dashboard menu bar overflow
9210  [User Interface] Dashboard lists windows vertical scrollbar --> to remove
9209  [System] CAPA System function Review
9208  [User Interface] Favorite module: ListView vertical scrollbar - to get rid of in CmView for list
9206  [User Interface] MyAccount screen: remove "Two Row (Top)" and "Module at Top" options
9204  [User Interface] ClearAsset UI Setup/Guide
9201  [Work order] List view not scrolling by mouse wheel
9200  [Dashboard] Dashboard - WO Summary - missing Feb data
9198  [Dashboard] Dashboard & Analysis data mismatch
9196  [Inventory] ERP Integration: One-Step Disposable Checkout
9195  [Inventory] ERP Integration: Inventory transfer by Checkout
9193  [Multi-Org/Site] Add refresh button to the user read form
9191  [Work order] WO timeline to show time stamp
9190  [User Interface] Use of 24-hour format for UI and report
9189  [Work order] WO Status log: duration hours - not intuitive
9188  [Work order] Step conditions to surface to WO
9187  [Work order] CalemMobile: to show CIP End in mobile
9183  [Purchase] CapEx to show in PO Item List Report
9182  [Purchase] Dashboard PO/Receipt: PO line total different from PO total (Purchase | Report | PO List Report)
9178  [Dashboard] Dashboard: Summary KPI chart maximized: Not showing title
9177  [Inventory] Inventory Vendor Prices: Add "Advanced Search"
9176  [Dashboard] REQ-Pre-Approval: Approver cannot pre-approve, but can go from ready to approved
9175  [Inventory] ERP Integration: Inbound Physical count transaction: cost handling
9173  [User Interface] Data scroll is spotty - not as smoothy row by row previously in R21d
9172  [API] API - Custom Event Notifier - Basic Authentication
9171  [API] Data Upload API - specialized integration model
9169  [Work order] Kanban Board: the scrollbar for users/teams - can it be wider?
9167  [Work order] WO Kaban board: add "In-Progress" status lane
9166  [PM] PM Step Upload: no Plan # found
9165  [Dashboard] WO Dash-10: "Month" menu in WO Count/dept/month
9164  [Inventory] Inventory receive blocked - got server exception
9163  [Dashboard] Dashboard Asset: add abbreviation to title: MTTF, MTTR, MTTI
9159  [Work order] Dashboard: WO Count by Category in Summary Tab to filter by categories
9158  [Dashboard] Dashboard - WO Summary - Drilldown - filtering not working
9157  [Work order] WO cannot be completed (special chars)
9153  [Work order] WO inspection for locations without PM
9136  [Calem Mobile] Spare Part search to add: Type, Description, Bin
9089  [Work order] WO repair by qty > 1 for REQ and PO
9033  [Multi-Org/Site] To allow team object to be opened in link

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