By Clay Li on Friday, 22 July 2022
Category: Feature

How to Manage Lookups for Multi-Tenants

​Calem provides options of implementation when it comes to multi-tenants.

This blog discusses the enablement of lookups for multi-customer tenants.

1. Address ​Objects

Address objects can be optionally configured with a company field. For instance, a billing address field has a company field. If the company field of the address is populated with a customer company, the address will only be accessible to users with access to the customer. If the company field of the address is left empty, the address can be accessed globally. 

The address objects include:

  1. Route (Asset | Codes | Route)
  2. Location Group (Asset | Codes | Location Group)
  3. Address (Organization | Codes | Address)
    • City
    • County

2. Custom Lookups

Custom lookups are equipped with the company field for multi-tenant use in the same way. The custom lookups are used through custom fields (Admin | Data Design | Custom Fields). There are five custom lookups out of the box.

 3. Screen Customization for Multi-Tenant

The company field for the objects above is not displayed excepting in "Route" object. This is done to reduce clutter in the user interface for clients without the need for multi-tenants. Admin users may customize the forms of the objects above to display company fields for multi-tenant implementation.
