There are a few ways to perform lock-out/tag-out in Calem Enterprise:
The custom screens below have been deprecated. They are not available.
Lock-out and Tag-out is a special type permit that needs to be completed before a work order can be started or completed. You can add a lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) permit by setting its type to "Lock-out/Tag-out".
The lock-out/tag-out form opens when the template is saved.
Next, add lock-out/tag-out steps for electrical, mechanical and fluid/air to the template created.
The permit created for lock-out/tag-out can be added to a work order for execution. You can also add it to a boilerplate PM Plan so the lock-out/tag-out can be added automatically for each work order created.
New forms are created for lock-out/tag-out execution online. Go to a work order and click a permit in the "Permit List" to open a permit to its form.
If a permit is a lock-out/tag-out one, its "TaskView" will open by default. You can switch to its "DataView". The "TaskView" is intended for staff to execute the lock-out/tag-out processes online.
Here is the "TaskView" of lock-out/tag-out form:
Click "Edit" menu (in red-box above) to work out the lock-out/tag-out process online.
The responsible parties will perform the lock-out/tag-out processes and sign the form to complete it. The "Done" flag will be set when locks/tags are removed and signed.
See Calem Enterprise User Guide for more information about boilerplate PM Plans and adding permits to them.
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