Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Multi-Site Logos

Multi-site logo is designed for the following business case:
  • An organization have sites in different countries and locations. Some of the sites have their own logos and business names. 
  • A different logo can be configured for a site.
  • Work order, requisition and purchase orders can be printed with a site's logo if defined.

Here are the steps to define site-based logos.

  • Copy your logo file (such as "your_logo.png") to the server at Calem_Home/client/themes/ directory.
  • Go to Organization module | EAM Company | Site tab. Edit a site and set "Logo File" to the file name of your logo (such as "your_logo.png").
  • Calem will use the logo of a site if found. Otherwise, the default logo will be used.

Here is the screenshot of the site screen when site logo file can be defined.

Mass Update of Item Numbers
Work Order Completion Time

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