Calem Blogs

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Calem Integration 2: REST API

Calem Enterprise comes with integration capabilities including:

  • Email Integration: service request submission, service request and work order interaction via emails.
  • Application Programming Interface (API): the APIs to read, update and delete records in Calem. It is ideal for third party applications to integrate with Calem via APIs.
  • Custom Triggers: application code in Calem server. The triggers are fired when a database records are inserted, updated or deleted.

1. Overview

APIs are discussed in this blog. Calem Enterprise comes with REST APIs. Other applications can use the REST API to fetch data from Calem; or update data in Calem. For instance, a customer likes to create a service request in Calem when a device is not reachable from a network monitoring system.

2. Sandbox vs. Production

The REST API should be developed and tested in a Sandbox environment before deploying to the Production environment. This is good practice and should be adhered to.

3. Rest APIs

The REST APIs are a powerful set of programming interfaces for third party applications. They can be used to insert, update, read and delete objects in Calem Enterprise. See Calem Enterprise REST API manual for more information.

  • Relative URLs are listed below. For instance, /api/get/cm_asset/009621a0-56c2-b974-f162-640541bd748a.
  • Full path for Production: (Replace "acme" with your service name).
  • Full path for Sandbox: (Replace "acme" with your service name).
API Type API Sample
 Get an object by Id  Get asset with id "009621a0-56c2-b974-f162-640541bd748a":

GET /api/get/cm_asset/009621a0-56c2-b974-f162-640541bd748a
Get objects by queryGet assets with query: asset_no like 'pump%' and last_modified>='2014-12-11' (URL encoded in query below).

GET /api/search/cm_asset/w= asset_no%20like%20%27pump%25%27%20and%20last_modified%3E%3D%272014-12-11%27
Insert an objectInsert an asset with the following info:

note=My asset note; location_id=My location id; in_id=My asset type id

POST /api/insert/cm_asset


Update an objectUpdate an asset with the following info:

note=My asset note; in_id=My asset type id

PUT /api/update/cm_asset/009621a0-56c2-b974-f162-640541bd748a


Delete an objectDelete an asset with Id:

DELETE /api/delete/cm_asset/009621a0-56c2-b974-f162-640541bd748a

API Key AttributesGet the attributes for an API key including the max number of rows to fetch per each API search invocation.

GET /api/get/cm_vt_apikey_so/attributes

 4. Identify Objects from Forms

Forms are based on objects (also called models). You can find the object used by a form - see Step 0 of this blog for more info. Field names are also shown in forms. You can find more info about a field in Data Dictionary.

 5. Integration APIs

There are integration APIs that are developed for custom projects when the standard APIs above are not sufficient. Contact us when needs arise for your integration projects.

Radio Buttons for Dropdown List
Asset Depreciation

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to