By Clay Li on Sunday, 01 November 2015
Category: Tutorial

Calem Enterprise Customization

Customers can tailor Calem Enterprise by built-in tools without worrying about upgrading their solutions. The customization through the built-in tools is preserved when upgrading to new releases. 

Here are the areas of customization through the built-in tools:

1. User Interface (UI) Customization​

UI Customization in Calem Enterprise enables customers to make forms and reports concise and include only necessary information to their target audiences. UI customization is done through drag-and-drop with live data. In a nutshell the UI Customization allows customers to:

2. Data Customization

Data customization allows customers to add custom fields and dropdown lists.

3. ​Categorization and Category Attributes

Categorization is a category hierarchy with unlimited levels of depth. Customers can use categorization to group objects such as assets and locations. For instance, you may use Vehicle -> Truck -> F150; or Vehicle -> Car -> Chevy Volt.

Category attributes are custom fields that are specific for categorization node in the tree. Child nodes inherits the attributes of their parents.

4. Text Customization
Texts are used as labels for data items. Customers can customize texts based on business requirements. For instance, a work order may be called "Work Request" or "WR" at your organization. So, you may customize the work order text labels to reflect it.

5. Configuration Properties
Both client and server configuration properties can be changed to perform deep system behavior customization. Here are some examples:
  • ​Use a custom logo (through client configuration)
  • Make a data field required (through client configuration)
  • Turn off workflow notifications when preventive work orders are generated (through server configuration)
  • Enforce a user to specify a job role when reporting hours for users with more than one job roles (through server configuration).

6. Custom Triggers

Custom Triggers are application code snippets added by customers. The triggers are fired when database records are inserted, updated or deleted.

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