By Clay Li on Sunday, 19 August 2018
Category: Feature

How to Set Up Workflow Notifications for Work Orders

​Workflow notifications are provided for modules in Calem including the work order module. This blog discusses the setup of work order notifications. The steps are applicable to other modules.

Here is a use case for workflow notification:

Step 1. Configure Events 

The table below lists the events that trigger workflow notifications for work orders. Customers of Calem Cloud can contact Calem Support to enable or disable those events. Customers of on-site deployment can reference Calem Admin Guide in configuring the events.  

Non-PM Work Order ​PM Work Order Note
​wo_sla_alarm ​pm_sla_alarm ​SLA alarm notifications
​Work order creation
​WO creation SMS notification
​Users assigned to work orders
​assignment_del​Users removed from WO assignments
​Status change events
​status​​pm_status​Other statuses​ not listed above
​ts_accept​pm_ts_accept​Status changed to Accepted or Closed 
​meter_trigger​Meter trigger events
​Attachments added from email reply to work orders
email_reply_note​Commenst added from email reply to work orders
​Comments added or updated to a work order
​att_new​pm_att_new​Attachments added to a work order
​pre_due​Work order pre-due notifications
​open_alertWork orders open for too long by open alert configuration (Admin | Data Design | WO Open Alert)​
​type_upd​pm_type_upd​Work order specialty updated
​SLA due or warning notifications
​sla2_status​Status timespan limit reached
​qt_approved​Work order is approved as a quote

​Work order is approved as an invoice

Step 2. Define Recipients

Workflow notifications for work orders include the following recipients. The recipients are configured out of the box in Calem for each event. You can find more information about the recipients in Calem Admin Guide. Customization of the recipients by events are possible - contact your Calem Support if needed.

Work order planners and monitors can be defined at "Organization | ACL Profiles | Monitor User":

 Step 3. Notification Filtering by Opt-Out

Calem provides flexible opt-outs to filter workflow notifications in order to reduce clutters in your email inboxes.

3.1. Opt-Out by WO Category, Status and Priority by User

3.2 Opt-Out WO Notifications by User

3.3. Opt-Out at Company or Site

You may opt-out at a company or site work order notifications:

Step 4. Email Template Customization

Email templates are provided out of the box in Calem for each work order event listed above. You may customize email templates when needed. See Calem Admin Guide for more information about customizing email templates. In a nutshell:

Step 5. Email and Text Message

Email and text notification can be configured at User Form. See this blog for more info.

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