Calem Blogs

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Meter Reading Calendar

Meter reading calendar view can be launched from dashboard module. It allows one to view multiple asset meters in one excel calendar view and identify alarms easily.

The calendar view provides the following features:

  • A calendar can includes up to five assets
  • All meters of the selected assets are shown in calendar view by three time slots:
    • Night reading
    • Morning reading
    • Afternoon reading
  • Alarm triggers are shown in the calendar along with meters:
  • Meter readings that are out of bounds by alarm triggers will show in red.

Here's a screenshot of the calendar view:

  • Work order generation by meter trigger is a feature in Calem Enterprise.

​Use the following menu to launch meter calendar. You can pick an existing calendar to view or create a new calendar.

  • Menu path: Dashboard module | Meter Calendar
  • Click a row in the list to download its reading calendar. 
  • Use "+" to create a new calendar
  • Use "Reading list" to view the reading lists and export to excel for further processing
  • Use "Edit" to change assets or date range

Customers may reference Calem Enterprise User Guide for more information about the feature.

Calem Setup Part 3: Inventory
Open Work Order Boards

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