By Clay Li on Friday, 28 July 2017
Category: Feature

Meter Rounds

Meter rounds is a meter reading application in the coming R10p release of Calem Enterprise. It enables a technician to walk a route and take meter readings. 

It uses features in Calem including meter round, PMs, and work orders. Here is the process to set up reading rounds: 

The step by step processes to set up and implement meter rounds are discussed below.

Step 1. Meter Set

Create a meter set with meters for a meter round. Set a sequence to each meter to define a route. 

​Add meters to a round with sequence numbers:

Step 2. PM Plan

Set up a PM Plan with schedules. Set the meter set defined above in the PM Plan. 

Add a PM Plan for meter round. Floating release type is used to reduce duplicate daily work orders.

Step 3. PM

Create a PM for a location and set the PM Plan created above. You may create a PM for an asset if needed. Set an initial start time - the "Next due" field. If you need to do more than one meter rounds in a day, create additional PMs each with the same date but a different time in the "Next due"  field. 

 Create a PM with the PM Plan above, select a location, and set "Next due".

Step 4. Work Orders

The PM created above will generate work orders and carry over the meter rounds in PMs. Meter rounds can be launched from the "Execution" tab of the work order TaskView in the "Meter" list.

​In work order DataView the rounds can be launched in "Meter" tab of the work order.

Step 5. Rounds Menu

The rounds menu launch the meter reading entry screen for the first meter whoes reading is not taken yet. If there are five meters in a round, and the first 3 meters have reading taken. If you are interrupted while doing a round, when you come back and launch the menu, the 4th meter will be displayed for you to enter reading. 

Step 6. Calem Touch

Calem Touch is a perfect fit in the Meter Rounds implementation. Set up your iOS or Android devices with Calem Touch - see Installation Steps. The "Rounds" menu is in the meter list of the work order screen.

The "Rounds" menu launches the meter entry screen as in the web form above. Use "<" to navigate to previous meter and "Save" to store off reading and move to next meter. 

You are ready to implement the Meter Rounds feature if you have worked through the steps above.

Customers of CalemEAM can find more information about meter sets, PMs, and work orders in Calem Enterprise User Guide.