Setup Guide for R2.1

This setup guide is for Calem Community Edition. Customers should get Calem Enterprise Installation Guide and other manuals from CalemEAM support sites.

1. Install AMP stack (Apache, MySQL and PHP)

You may skip this step if you have a LAMP stack installed already.

To install on Linux download XAMPP for Linux and follow installation instructions.

To install on Windows download WAMP and use its installer to setup the WAMP stack.

CalemEAM uses innoDB for transactions. So make sure innoDB is enabled by following instructions to enable innoDB.

Some configuration changes are necessary after the AMP stack is set up.

  • WAMP php.ini resides in both \wamp\php and \wamp\Apache2\bin. So changes to php.ini must be made in both places unless noted differently.
  • It's good practice to enable PHP error logs in php.ini. For example:
    log_errors = On
    error_log = "C:\wamp\logs\php_error.log"
  • The error reporting needs to be:
    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED

2. PDO and PEAR Setup

PDO is a thin database layer available in PHP. It is used by CalemEAM so make sure MySQL for PDO is enabled in php.ini as follows. This step may not be necessary if you are setting up on Linux with XAMP.

3. Setup CalemEAM

Use web-based installation program to install CalemEAM or upgrade from R2.0.1 to R2.1. Pointer your browser to the installation directory in CalemEAM home directory to launch the web-based installation program. For example, http://your_host/CalemEAM/installtaion/. Follow steps in the installation program.

4. Access Rights for CalemEAM

File access rights need to be configured for Linux/Unix for CalemEAM. If you are installing on platforms other than Winodws consult Access Rights for CalemEAM.

5. Test Login

You can launch CalemEAM with a link provided at the end of the installation program to log in. A test admin user is installed by default. The user name/password are: admin/admin_password.

If it's not working you may review your installation steps. CalemEAM customers can get help from CalemEAM's service engineers as part of the Support Services. Calem Community users can use the community forum to get help.