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Asset Structure Template

Asset Structure Component Template (ASC) was introduced in Calem Enterprise to help customers with the setup of assets with child assets and meters where child assets have meters and are maintained by their own schedules. Here is one business case:

  • A ship has three main engines (port, center and starboard) and two auxiliary engines (port and starboard). Each engines has meters for temperature, pressure, hours of operation, etc.

ASC is a good fit for the creation and management of assets like ships with child assets and meters. Here are the steps to define ASC to describe the relationships:

  • Define asset groups for the child assets.
  • Create meter groups the meters of the child assets.
  • Create an ASC
  • Add child asset groups and their meter groups.
    • A child asset group can have a parent of an asset group in the ASC so you can create an ASC with many layers of child assets and their meters.
Once the ASC is defined, you can create the ship asset by a) create a ship asset; b) add child structures based on an ASC define above. So, you can add all child assets and their meters based on ASCs defined above. You can also streamline data entry of meters based on ASC. Calem Enterprise customers may reference the User Guide of Calem Enterprise and ASC Integration Guide for more information.

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