By Clay Li on Friday, 19 April 2024
Category: Feature

Bulk (Quantity > 1) Offsite Repair for Spare Parts

In the coming release of Calem R2024a bulk (quantity) offsite repair is available for non-asset spare parts. 

 1. Repair REQ Creation

The creation of a repair REQ starts with the "Create Repair" menu in the REQ module.

2. Additional Repair Lines 

A repair REQ is created with a single REQ line for the repair WO selected. You may add additional repair work orders to the REQ by the menu "Add Repair" in the REQ item list.

 3. POs for Bulk Offsite Repair

The feature is added to POs so the REQs with bulk offsite repair are carried over to POs.

4. Inventory Transactions for Bulk Offsite Repair 

Inventory transactions have been extended to support bulk offsite repair.
