Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

How to Enable Debug Log in Calem

The steps below can be done from Admin module of the web client. 

  • See this blog to enable or disable debug logging.

Debug log in Calem server helps troubleshooting. For customers with on-site deployment of Calem Enterprise, the debug log can be enabled in the server. The first step is to edit Calem_Home/etc/ where Calem_Home is the directory where Calem Enterprise is installed. The default log level is "info".

; Debug level for test use
; log4php.rootLogger=debug, F1
; info level for test or production use (less logs than debug)
; log4php.rootLogger=info, F1
; warn level for production use (less logs than info)
; log4php.rootLogger=warn, F1

log4php.rootLogger=info, F1


Modify Line 12 to "debug" as shown below. Save the change. The log file in Calem_Home/logs/calem.log will be of debug level. Remember to change the log level back to "info" when you are done with generating debug logs.

; Debug level for test use
; log4php.rootLogger=debug, F1
; info level for test or production use (less logs than debug)
; log4php.rootLogger=info, F1
; warn level for production use (less logs than info)
; log4php.rootLogger=warn, F1

log4php.rootLogger=debug, F1

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