Calem Blogs

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PM Plan from Work Orders

A great feature is available in the just released Calem Enteprise R10i. It allows one to turn a well documented work order into a PM Plan. Here is the business case for this function:

  • A work order is completed, a review is performed. The work order will need to be performed in the future. 
  • PM Plans are standard job templates in Calem. Creating a PM Plan from the work order is a perfect fit. It allows maintenance staff to create a new work order from a PM Plan, or schedule preventive maintenance work orders from the PM Plans.
  • The menu path is at the work order TaskView:
    • "More" menu dropdown: Clone PM Plan in Review and Close Tabs.
  • The menu path is also available at DataView's "More" menu dropdown.
Here is the screenshot when the function is invoked from menu in work order forms. One just need to fill a proper PM Plan name to clone.
Archive Work Order History
How to Use Floating Plans to Reduce Duplicate PM W...

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