Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Purchase Process Automation and Coordination

Purchase process automation includes the following steps:

  • A. Use Min/Max to control inventory stock levels.
  • B. Create requisitions when inventory stock falls below the minimum stock quantities.
  • C. Route requisitions to supervisors for approval
  • D. Create a PO when a requisition is approved
  • E. Email a PO print in PDF format to vendor when a PO is approved
Steps D) and E) are not enabled out of the box. Customers can have the two steps enabled based on their business needs. See Calem Enterprise User Guide and Admin Guide for more information.

1. Ordering by Min/Max Automatically

Min/Max can be configured at site inventory for automating the creation of requisitions when stock levels fall below minimum stock levels.

  • Set Min/Max stock levels
  • Set Order type to Min/Max
  • Set Order creation to Automatic
  • Requisitions are generated when stock levels fall below minimum levels

2. Ordering by Min/Max Manually

Manual ordering can be enabled based on Min/Max stock levels. Calem will not generate requisitions in this case. Instead, inventory staff review items to order and manually create requisitions.

  • Set Min/Max stock levels
  • Set Order type to Min/Max
  • Set Order creation to Manual
  • Inventory staff review orders to generate from reports:
    • Inventory | Report | Order List by Min/Max
    • Inventory | Report | Order List by Min/Max with Vendors
  • Review an order row and manually create a requisition by menu "

3. Generate a PO at REQ Approval

The screenshot below shows the "Approved" menu to approve a REQ. The checkbox "Create PO" can be checked to generate a PO upon approval of the REQ.

 4. Purchase Process Coordination

Maintenance and accounting teams may work together to complete POs:

  • Maintenance team receives a PO, attach package slips, change a PO's status to "Received" when a PO is fully received.
  • Accounting team reviews POs with receipts (Purchase Home | Open PO Lines | POs of partial/fully receipts).
  • Partial or full payment may be made to vendors depending on PO terms. 
  • Accounting team changes a PO's status to "Completed" when invoices are processed for the PO.
Asset KPIs by Class (Categorization)
Calem Integration 3: Custom Triggers

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