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Access Control for Inventory Stores

 Access control for inventory stores will be available in the coming release of R2023b. Here is the use case:

  • There are spare parts in stores (or storerooms) for maintenance use.
  • The spare parts in one store can only be checked out by some users.
This is achieved through the introduction of exclusive and inclusive stores in ACL profiles.

1. Uncheck "All Store Access"

A new checkbox "All Store Access" is introduced in the ACL Profile. It needs to be unchecked for store access control.

  • The checkbox is checked by default. 
  • Go to an ACL profile and uncheck this flag to enable store access control.

 2. Store Access Control

The access control is achieved through an inclusion or exclusion list of stores in the "Store" tab of the ACL Profile form. In the screenshot below, users of the profile do not have access to "E-Store" since the store is excluded from the profile.

  • Use "Exclude Stores" to exclude stores accessible to a profile.
  • Use "Include Stores" to grant access to selected stores.
    • The exclusion list takes priority over the inclusion one.
    • If an exclusion list is defined for a profile, the inclusion list is ignored.
    • Otherwise, the inclusion list is used.
  • Store access control is subject to site access control of an ACL profile.

3. Tran Only Flag

"Tran Only" is a flag at the ACL Profile. It is used for site access control exemption.

  • "Tran Only" is enabled out of the box. The feature can be made to be controlled by ACL profiles by turning off the system settings - see Admin Guide for more info.
  • Once the sytem setting is turned off, the "Tran Only" can be enabled at profile files.
  • "Tran Only" allows reports to access all storerooms, including inventory stock listing and reports, transaction reports, etc.
Viewing HEIC Files in Calem
Best Practice 3: Multi-Site Inventory

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