Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Bulk Asset Status Changes with Notes

A change note may be added when uploading assets to Calem in the coming release of R2024a.

  • A new field is added to the asset table as a virtual field or place holder.
  • The field name is "scn_vf" with label "Status-Note".
  • Change notes can be populated in this field in your excel files for changes to assets for one of the following fields:
    • Status, Location, Parent, or Position
  • Calem will add the change notes as comments to assets when one of the fields above is changed for an upload row.
  • Otherwise, the change notes are ignored by Calem. For instance, 
    • If an asset dose not exist and is created, the change note is ignored. 
    • If an asset is changed, but none of the fields above is changed, the change note is ignored.
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