Since QR code is easier to scan than 1D barcode we have added QR code display and print in the coming release R20f in Calem. For instance, you can walk to your storeroom to check out parts to your work order by the QR code displayed in your Calem work order screen.
1. QR Code in Calem Web Client
QR code can be enabled in Calem web client by adding a configuration to your client configuration file: CmConf.custom.js. The following line is an example to enable QR code at the Submission Tab of the work order TaskView.
CmConf['qr_conf']['fms']['CmWoTkNewFormRead']={fn: 'wo_no'};
2. QR Code in Calem Mobile
QR code can be enabled in Calem Mobile by adding a configuration to your client configuration file: CmConf.custom.js. The following line is an example to enable QR code at the work order read screen.
CmConf['qr_conf']['fms_touch']['CmWoFormRead']={fn: 'wo_no'};
3. QR Code in Report
QR code can be enabled in Calem report print by adding a configuration to your server configuration file: calem.custom.php. The following line is an example to enable QR code at the work order PDF doc.
4. QR Code Sizing
You can customize the sizes of QR code at each screen above by adding a sizing parameter. Each parameter includes:
5. Scan QR Code
The inventory checkout transaction allows one to scan a QR code for work order, asset, or cost center, displayed in your device or print, when checking out inventory.
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