Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Quick Reading Entry for Calem Mobile

Quick reading entry is available in Calem Mobile in the coming release of Calem R2022c. The color-coded readings indicate if a reading raised an alarm (in red), or is normal (green). 

This blog discusses the new settings in R2022c for weekly and monthly quick reading entries.

 1. Weekly and Monthly Readings

A reading frequency of weekly or monthly is added in the setup of a meter set. Depending on the frequency of readings to take you set up a meter set for getting readings weekly or monthly.

  • Menu path: Organization | Open | Meter Set
  • A reading frequency can be configured.
  • A meter set can use the meters in an existing meter set with the new field "Source Set". It simplifies meter management if you need a meter set for weekly and monthly. 
  • A weekly reading allows one to take readings for the seven days of the current week.
  • A monthly reading allows one to take a monthly reading for the past two months and the current month. 

 2. Quick Entry for Calem Mobile

The quick reading entry forms are extended to Calem Mobile. A field technician can use a tablet or a phone with Calem Mobile installed to take readings.

  • Menu path: Asset | Quick Reading Entry

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