Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Query Meter-Triggered Work Orders

Work orders can be generated by meter readings based on meter triggers in Calem. In the coming release of Calem R2023 saved queries "Meter Triggered" are provided to identify them. You may build your own saved searches by the use of "Meter Triggered" checkbox added in release R2023. Show "Meter Triggered" column in a work order list. The colum...
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  1654 Hits
1654 Hits

Quick Reading Entry for Calem Mobile

Quick reading entry is available in Calem Mobile in the coming release of Calem R2022c. The color-coded readings indicate if a reading raised an alarm (in red), or is normal (green).  This blog discusses the new settings in R2022c for weekly and monthly quick reading entries.  1. Weekly and Monthly Readings A reading freque...
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  2896 Hits
2896 Hits

How to Delete Meters

An asset or location can have meters in Calem. Meter readings may be used to drive preventive maintenance, or for condition monitoring. Deleting meters may be accomplished by removing its references including:  Meter readingsPM scheduling and Work OrdersMeter Sets1. Meter Readings The first step is to remove all the meter readings. Menu p...
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  4770 Hits
4770 Hits

How to Implement PMs by Tiered Meter Readings

Tiered meter readings can be configured to schedule PMs in Calem release R20d which is available on August 20, 2020. Here is the diagram of the use case: A new machine is deployed with maintenance schedules based on a meter of operating hours.For the first 30K hours perform first maintenance at 28,000 hours.For the first 50...
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  5931 Hits
5931 Hits

How to Implement Meters in Calem

A meter in Calem represents a measurement. The measurement can be taken from a physical meter, or a virtual meter which does not have a physical meter to take readings from. For example, the odometer of a vehicle is a physical meter. The mileage of a tire is a virtual meter. Both asset and location meters are supported in Calem. This blog...
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  7211 Hits
7211 Hits