Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

The Dreadful Red Warning Blocker in Calem

It was Friday and the last working day of the year of 2022, the home page of Calem website (1st screenshot below) didn't show. Instead, a red warning blocker (2nd screenshot below) showed up when visiting Calem website ( The red blocker page also showed when visiting Calem cloud service such as demo....
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  5679 Hits
5679 Hits

How to Setup SAML SSO (Single-Sign-On) in Calem

Customers can choose a single sign on (SSO) solution available in Calem including LDAP; and SAML. The LDAP authentication is performed behind scenes from Calem to LDAP servers. It is a choice for Calem Services behind firewalls. SAML performs sign-sign-on from the ID providers. It is a good choice for SSO over the internet. User...
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  5543 Hits
5543 Hits

How to Implement 2-Factor Login by Email

Two factor authentication (2FA) is available in the coming release of R2019c. The user is authenticated by username and password first, a code of 6 digits is sent to the email address of the user account, the code must be entered to log into Calem. 2FA is not enabled out of the box. Admin of Calem can enable 2FA at system level or user level.&...
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  6310 Hits
6310 Hits

How to Implement Password Change Policy in Calem

Password change policy is introduced in the coming release of R2019c.  Administrators can activate a system wide policy to enforce password changes by a time interval. For instance, all users must change their passwords every five months.  When a user is authenticated from the login screen Calem compares the password change poli...
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  5632 Hits
5632 Hits