Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Implement Two-Factor Login by App

Two-Factor Login by App is introduced in Calem release R20f (November 2020). It is more intuitive to use than two factor login by email. After username and password is authenticated, a screen is prompted for a code (the second factor) to complete the two-factor login. ​The same screen is shown in Calem Touch (CalemEAM in App Store, or Goo...
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  4868 Hits
4868 Hits

How to Implement 2-Factor Login by Email

Two factor authentication (2FA) is available in the coming release of R2019c. The user is authenticated by username and password first, a code of 6 digits is sent to the email address of the user account, the code must be entered to log into Calem. 2FA is not enabled out of the box. Admin of Calem can enable 2FA at system level or user level.&...
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  6311 Hits
6311 Hits