Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Auto-Close Completed Work Orders

Completed work orders will be auto-closed after 30 days in the coming release of R2025a (March 20250). The change is made due to the following reasoning:

  • Work orders are completed, accepted, and then closed.
  • There are cases that acceptance is not required, leaving many work orders staying in "Completed" status.
  • "To Accept" bar in the Dashboard's WO Summary KPI overwhelms other data points in the chart.
  • Auto-Close work orders completed over 30 days will help reduce completed work orders ("To Accept") and render other data points easier to read.
  • Alternatively, you may manually close completed work orders - see this blog.

If you do not wish to auto-close completed work orders contact Calem Support to turn off the feature, or reference Calem Admin Guide to do it for on-premise deployment.

Finding Work Order Contacts By Department

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to