Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Work Order Creation and Changes by Map

Work order creation and changes by map is available in the coming release of R2023f (January 2024). The feature supports the following use cases: Support team drops a pin in a map or floorplan for an issue reported.Use menu "Assets Nearby" to show assets nearby (or Assets in a floorplan).Select an asset or location to create a work order....
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  1456 Hits
1456 Hits

How to Setup Multiple MAPs in Calem

Multiple MAP APIs are available in the coming release of Calem R2022g in December 2022. They include Google Maps, Esri ArcGIS, Open Street Maps and Floor Plans. Work orders, assets or locations can be visualized in various maps configured in Calem.  The screenshot below shows work orders as markers and its clusters in an Ar...
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  1518 Hits
1518 Hits

Visualize Maintenance in Floorplan Maps

Floor plans are a feature in Calem. It is a great tool to visualize maintenance objects in indoor and outdoor facilities. For instance, a manufacturing plant may be digitized with floor plans. A digitized floor plan is presented as a map with markers of maintenance objects. The screenshot below shows a floor plan with work order markers. ...
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  2348 Hits
2348 Hits

How to Set Up Map Views in Calem

Map views are available in the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019e. A map view can be launched from a list view of location, assets or work orders. The filter applied in a list views is carried over to the map view so pre-defined or dynamic filters can be applied for visualization in map views. See this...
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  5639 Hits
5639 Hits