Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

A New Checkbox for Capital Expenditure in POs

A new checkbox is added in purchase orders (POs) for capital expenditure (CapEx). It will be available in the coming release of R2024 in February 2024. 

  • A user may set the checkbox to indicate a CapEx PO.
  • Alternatively, the checkbox may be set by other fields including cost centers, projects and PO classes.

 1. CapEx in Cost Centers

A CapEx checkbox is added in a cost center. When a cost center is set in a PO, its CapEx is checked. If it is set, the PO's CapEx checkbox is set.

 2. CapEx in Projects

A CapEx checkbox is added in a project. When a project is set in a PO, its CapEx is checked. If it is set, the PO's CapEx checkbox is set.

 3. CapEx in PO Classes

A CapEx checkbox is added in a PO class. When a project is set in a PO, its CapEx is checked. If it is set, the PO's CapEx checkbox is set.

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