Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Inventory Analysis in R2024b

Inventory Analysis is a new set of reports for items purchased and used. It is available in release R2024b release (June 2024). The reports help answer questions like "How much I have spent on outside services for a period of time?", and "What items have been used for a period of time?".  Menu path: Analysis | Inventory AnalysisThey ...
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  840 Hits
840 Hits

A New Checkbox for Capital Expenditure in POs

A new checkbox is added in purchase orders (POs) for capital expenditure (CapEx). It will be available in the coming release of R2024 in February 2024.  A user may set the checkbox to indicate a CapEx PO.Alternatively, the checkbox may be set by other fields including cost centers, projects and PO classes.  1. CapEx in Cost Centers A...
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  1042 Hits
1042 Hits

Multiple Lines for a Service or Repair Item in a Requisition/PO

Multiple lines of a service or repair item can be added to a requisition or purchase order in Calem release R2023a available in March 2023. For service item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different cost center.For repair item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different ...
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  1198 Hits
1198 Hits

Dashboard for Purchase Orders and Receipts

 A dashboard of purchase orders (POs) and receipts are available for budgetary purposes in the coming release of R2023a. Menu path: Dashboard | Inventory | PO and ReceiptsMonthly POs and Receipts are visualized in bar charts and list views.Use "Year" menu to set a year for reporting.Multi-site drill-down is supported.Drill-down to POs and rece...
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  1291 Hits
1291 Hits

How to Assign Buyers to Vendors

In the coming release of Calem R2023 one can assign buyers to vendors. Calem will auto-fill buyers based on the buyer assignment.  Menu path: Purchase | Open | Vendor BuyerVendor site and Buyer are requirement for an assignment.The Site column is the PO site. It is optional.Set a site for a buyer to be for a PO site.Leave the site empty for a ...
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  1074 Hits
1074 Hits

PO Print without Attachments

A new option has been added in R21a to print PO without attachments: A PO may have attachments such as quotation from vendors.An approved PO can be printed (option 1) into a PDF file and include PDF attachments and images.Each attachment can be edited and set "No Print" checked to exclude it from being printed.A PO not approved canno...
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  2912 Hits
2912 Hits

How to Set up Vendor Defaults for Purchase Orders (POs)

The following default values can be configured in vendors from Calem release R21a (May 2021): Menu Path: Purchase | Open | Vendor ListsVendor Tax can be refined at: Purchase | Open | Tax Code list | Tax Code Form | Vendor TabCustom fields can be added at vendors to provide additional default valuesThe same custom fields may be defined in ...
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  3065 Hits
3065 Hits

What is Open Purchase Order Chart

Available in the coming release of Calem R2021 for January 2021, Open PO (purchase order) Status Chart shows the assignment and status for POs that are being processed. POs that are fully received, invoiced, completed, voided or closed are not included in the chart. It is an smart tool for both supervisors and buyers to vis...
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  3156 Hits
3156 Hits

How to Select Bins when Receiving All for a PO

A bin selection screen is available in Calem R20e (October 2020 release) when receiving all items for a PO. Calem uses the following process to calculate bins to receive for a PO line: The bins are pre-filled by Calem based on current stock and transaction history.The bins are left blank for PO lines that do not have stock, and there are no history...
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  3757 Hits
3757 Hits

How to Control PO Line Tax Calculation

A flag has been added to R2019e to indicate if a PO line is taxible. Use this flag to turn off tax for a PO line so that PO cost will not incur tax charge for this line item. The "No Tax" flag can be edited from PO Item list in PO form. Additional Resources Requisition/Purchase Module TrainingInventory Module TrainingUser Guide and Admin Guide (cus...
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  4723 Hits
4723 Hits

How to Enable Editing for Approved POs and REQs

Editing of an approved requisition or purchase order is not allowed out of the box. A new configuration is available in release R2019e to enable editing of approved REQs or POs. This is useful if a buyer needs to add comment to an approved PO. The permission to edit approved REQs and POs can be granted per ACL profile.Menu path: Organizat...
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  4791 Hits
4791 Hits

How to Get Notification of High Value Items in Purchase Order

A new feature is available to notify approvers and monitors of high value items in purchase order.  It allows purchase management to be aware of high value items being purchased: High value items are defined as items with unit price over $20,000 of system currency.Both the user/team approving a PO and PO monitors notified with emails...
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  4487 Hits
4487 Hits

How to Receive All Items in PO

A new feature is available in R2019d for one to receive all PO lines. This feature is handy for one to receive POs with many items.  Launch the PO receive from Inventory | Transactions | Receive to Storerooms, or from a PO screen. Set "Receive All" checked.Set a storeroom to receive all the items. All storerooms accessible to the login user ca...
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  6378 Hits
6378 Hits

How to Configure PO Approval Routing in Calem

Approval routing of purchase orders (POs) has been added in the the coming release of R2019c.  When a PO is created the status is set to "New". One may add line items to the PO.Calem will transition POs of "New" status to "Ready" in 30 minutes after last updated. One may also manually move a PO into "Ready" status.When a PO reaches t...
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  5174 Hits
5174 Hits

How to Use Item Revision in Calem

Item revision is introduced in the coming release of R2019c. It is used to track the latest revision of an item. It is defined at global items and copied to site items. It is copied over to the lines of requisition and purchase ordersThe current revision number of an item is copied to inventory transaction. It is not tracked in inventory ...
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  4876 Hits
4876 Hits

How to Create POs through Data Upload

The feature to upload POs and PO lines is available in Calem Enterprise 2019 available in March 2019. The use case is that often times you have many POs and PO lines from other sources in excel files. This blog discusses the steps to create POs and PO lines through data upload with the templates provided by Calem. Step 1. Data Upload Refe...
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  13548 Hits
13548 Hits

How to Add New Items to POs

In the coming release of Calem Enterprise 2019 one can add new items directly from PO forms.  This feature make it much easier for buyers to create a new item and add it to a PO.  The first step is to navigate to a PO's item list. Click "+" to add a new item to PO.  Site inventory lookup form i...
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  6926 Hits
6926 Hits