Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Bulk (Quantity > 1) Offsite Repair for Spare Parts

In the coming release of Calem R2024a bulk (quantity) offsite repair is available for non-asset spare parts.  For instance, a REQ line (screenshot below) has 4 parts (of the same item code) to be sent to a vendor for repair. Prior to R2024a, a singular spare part is allowed for a REQ line for offsite repair. The same goes for PO lines.The feat...
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  2690 Hits
2690 Hits

How to Mandate Pre-Approval for REQs

The requisition approval flow has been refactored for better support of Pre-Approval in the coming release R2023f (December 2023). It supports the following workflow:A REQ has to be pre-approved before it can be approved.Pre-Approved can only be set by users configured as Pre-Approvers in Org | ACL Profiles | Monitor User.Buyers can only appro...
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  1748 Hits
1748 Hits

Multiple Lines for a Service or Repair Item in a Requisition/PO

Multiple lines of a service or repair item can be added to a requisition or purchase order in Calem release R2023a available in March 2023. For service item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different cost center.For repair item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different ...
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  1873 Hits
1873 Hits

Mandatory Due Date at REQ Approval

A mandatory new due date is required when approving a requisition in R21a. The purpose is for an approver to set a due date for a requisition to be approved. A checkbox "Use current" (1) is provided for one to use current due date if any. When the box is checked, current due date (3) will be copied to the new due date (2).Alternatively, the ap...
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  4032 Hits
4032 Hits

How to Generate Requisition for Service from PMs

You can configure a PM (a scheduled preventive maintenance work order) to generate requisition for service in Calem when a PM is released as a work order. Here are the steps to achieve it. 1. Create a Service Item A service item is an item for a service. If not created yet, you may create one for the service you will require for...
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  4637 Hits
4637 Hits

Enhancements to Inventory Module in R20c

​Enhancements have been made in the inventory module for the coming release of R20c based on customer feedback. They enable better productivity for end-users. 1. History of Bins in Receiving Parts When receiving parts to stock Calem will display current bin used for the receiving item if there is stock. Otherwise, one has to use "Pick Oth...
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  5416 Hits
5416 Hits

How to Edit and Void Approved POs and REQs

Editing of an approved requisition or purchase order is not allowed out of the box. A new configuration is available in release R2019e to enable editing of approved REQs or POs. This is useful if a buyer needs to add comment to an approved PO. The permission to edit approved REQs and POs can be granted per ACL profile.Menu path: Organizat...
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  5459 Hits
5459 Hits

How to Report Requisition Overdue

​Requisition overdue addresses the following use case: Requisitions have been approved or pre-approved.These requisitions have not been received in certain days (configurable) from their request time.Email notification and report are available for requisitions overdue. 1. Requisition Overdue Report Run the over due report at: Requisi...
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  5591 Hits
5591 Hits

How to Set Up Pre-Approvers for Requisitions

Pre-Approvers for requisitions are supervisors or warehouse gate-keepers who validate spare part requests by pre-approving them. Pre-approvers are not mandatory. They are configured individually or in teams for sites. 1. Teams for Requisition Approval Set up teams to manage requisition pre-approver and approver. Menu path: Organization | ...
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  7180 Hits
7180 Hits

When to Use Supervisors in Requisition Approval

​Requisitions in Calem are routed to approvers based on approval levels. Approval levels are ranges of dollar amounts. Menu path: Organization | ACL Profiles | REQ Level The "From" amount is used to select approvers with the minimum approval level based on the requisition value.The "To" amount is unlimited if it is a negative value. ...
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  5448 Hits
5448 Hits

How to Use Item Revision in Calem

Item revision is introduced in the coming release of R2019c. It is used to track the latest revision of an item. It is defined at global items and copied to site items. It is copied over to the lines of requisition and purchase ordersThe current revision number of an item is copied to inventory transaction. It is not tracked in inventory ...
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  5442 Hits
5442 Hits

How to Use Quotation in Requisition Processes

Vendor quotation or pricing may be required for certain items so that managers can make informed decisions in approving requisitions to purchase those items. Vendor quotation or pricing can be enabled based on inventory items through their stock types. The stock type of an inventory item can be set to one of the following values: ​St...
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  6765 Hits
6765 Hits

Approval Routing for Auto-Generated REQs

See this blog for mandating pre-approval for REQs. Requisition approval routing has been defined based on requesters (see this blog). This method works well for user initiated requisitions. For requisitions generated by Calem based on min/max stock level configurations the requesters are not end users. There are ways in Calem to configure...
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  7022 Hits
7022 Hits