Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Mandate Pre-Approval for REQs

The requisition approval flow has been refactored for better support of Pre-Approval in the coming release R2023f (December 2023). It supports the following workflow:A REQ has to be pre-approved before it can be approved.Pre-Approved can only be set by users configured as Pre-Approvers in Org | ACL Profiles | Monitor User.Buyers can only appro...
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  1475 Hits
1475 Hits

Mandatory Due Date at REQ Approval

A mandatory new due date is required when approving a requisition in R21a. The purpose is for an approver to set a due date for a requisition to be approved. A checkbox "Use current" (1) is provided for one to use current due date if any. When the box is checked, current due date (3) will be copied to the new due date (2).Alternatively, the ap...
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  3770 Hits
3770 Hits

How to Set Up Pre-Approvers for Requisitions

Pre-Approvers for requisitions are supervisors or warehouse gate-keepers who validate spare part requests by pre-approving them. Pre-approvers are not mandatory. They are configured individually or in teams for sites. 1. Teams for Requisition Approval Set up teams to manage requisition pre-approver and approver. Menu path: Organization | ...
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  6924 Hits
6924 Hits

When to Use Supervisors in Requisition Approval

​Requisitions in Calem are routed to approvers based on approval levels. Approval levels are ranges of dollar amounts. Menu path: Organization | ACL Profiles | REQ Level The "From" amount is used to select approvers with the minimum approval level based on the requisition value.The "To" amount is unlimited if it is a negative value. ...
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  5187 Hits
5187 Hits