Calem Blogs

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Comparing Weekly vs Weeks of PM Schedules

There are two types of schedules when managing repeat tasks by weeks. Their differences are demonstrated by examples below.

  • A. "Weekly" schedule. It allows one to schedule a task to happen every week on one or more week days.
    • A next due date is calculated from the next day after the starting date, and find the next due day by moving one day at a time forward.
    • For instance, a PM has a weekly schedule every Monday (screenshot A below) and is floating. By floating, the next due time of a PM is calculated when a work order is completed.
      • A PM work order is generated from the PM with "Need by" of 4/25/22 in the work order on 4/18/22.
      • The PM work order is completed on 4/24/22.
      • The next due day is 4/25/22 - the first Monday from 4/24/22.
    • If the same PM is fixed (i.e., the release type of its PM Plan is fixed, not floating), the next due date is 5/2/22. 
      • A PM work order is generated from the PM with "Need by" of 4/25/22 in the work order on 4/18/22.
      • The next due date of the PM is changed to 5/2/22 for fixed PMs.
      • The PM work order is completed on 4/24/22.
      • The next due day is 5/2/22 regardless when the PM is completed.
  • B. "Weeks" schedule (screenshot B). It allows one to schedule a task to happen every N weeks where N >= 1.
    • A next due date is calculated 7 or N*7 days from the starting date.
    • For instance, a PM has a "Weeks" schedule of every one week on Monday (screenshot B below) and is floating. By floating, the next due time of a PM is calculated when a work order is completed.
        • A PM work order is generated from the PM with "Need by" of 4/25/22 in the work order on 4/18/22.
        • The PM work order is completed on 4/24/22.
        • The next due day is 5/1/22 for floating PM. For PMs of fixed release, the next due date is 5/2/22 (Monday).
    • If the same PM is fixed (i.e., the release type of its PM Plan is fixed, not floating), the next due date is 5/2/22. 
      • A PM work order is generated from the PM with "Need by" of 4/25/22 in the work order on 4/18/22.
      • The next due date of the PM is changed to 5/2/22 for fixed PMs.
      • The PM work order is completed on 4/24/22.
      • The next due day is 5/2/22 regardless when the PM is completed.

A. Weekly Schedule

 B. Weeks Schedule

Weekly Scheduling for Own Teams
Work Orders Notes by Speech Recognition

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