Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

WO/SR Notification and Auto-Assignment by Owner Group

Notification and auto-assignment can be enabled by asset owner groups for work orders (WO) and service requests (SR). For instance, a problem is reported as a work order for a pump, teams of the pump owner group receive email notification about the work order. A team may be auto-assigned to the new work order if configured so. 1. Fin...
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  1360 Hits
1360 Hits

WO/SR Notification and Auto-Assignment by Asset Class

Notification and auto-assignment can be enabled by asset classes for work orders (WO) and service requests (SR). For instance, a problem is reported as a service request for a pump, teams responsible for pumps receive email notification about the problem. The new service request may also be auto-assigned to a team for pump maintenanc...
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  1376 Hits
1376 Hits

Duplicate Service Request Prompts

A prompt for potential duplicate service request is added when an SR is added manually. Open SRs with matching asset/location and category are potential duplicates and will be listed if found. The feature of duplicate check is available for work orders and inventory items. Click "No Duplicate" to tell Calem it's not a duplicate. A ne...
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  2235 Hits
2235 Hits

Badges for New Work Orders and Service Requests

 Badges are introduced for new work orders and service requests in the coming release of R2022e for Q4 2022. The badges provide a quick glimpse of new work orders and service requests in Calem.The number of work orders of status "New" is shown as a badge.The number of service requests of status "New" is shown as a badge.If the n...
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  2548 Hits
2548 Hits

To Get Notified when a User is Added by SR Email

​Calem can be enabled to create a service request from an incoming email of authorized domains. A user is created when the incoming email does not exist in Calem. A monitor user can be configured to get notified when a new user is created in this case. Menu path: Organization | ACL Profiles | Monitor UserHave the flag "SR New User" checked to ...
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  2769 Hits
2769 Hits

Service Request Numbering by Site

Site-based numbering has been added for service request in Calem R21f, joining other objects with site based numbering (Asset, Work Order and Requisition). The steps below are applicable to other site-based objects (Asset, Work Order and Requisition). The pattern and sequence can be defined for an EAM site (Organization | EAM Company | Site Tab).&n...
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  2675 Hits
2675 Hits

How to Add a Photo in SR/WO

A new menu is available at Service Request (SR) and Work Order (WO). It allows one to add a photo from the SR/WO screen without going to the attachment list. The menu is available in the web client and Calem Mobile App (from App Store and Google Play).  1. Create SR with a Photo The first step is to create an SR and save it. The SR i...
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  3663 Hits
3663 Hits

Selecting Asset by Location in SR/WO Creation (Priority|CostCenter Auto-Fill)

When creating a service request (SR) or a work order (WO), one may enter either an asset or a location. Calem Release R21e introduced the asset selection through location. Here is the description: Launch SR or WO creation screen, click the lookup button or enter a location.Calem inspect assets in the selected location. If there is only one ass...
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  3111 Hits
3111 Hits

How to Embed Data Fields in Service Request by Email

​In the coming release of R20d one can embed data fields in the service request emails. This feature may be used by 3rd party apps to integrate with Calem. It is an alternative to integration with Calem via REST API. The following is an email sample reporting an issue with an asset. // Email Subject: Routing device malfunction Ref#3359// Email Body...
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  4201 Hits
4201 Hits

How to Manage Duplicate Service Requests in Calem

A feature has been added in release R20a to manage duplicate service requests. It allows one to group service requests that are of the same failure cause. 1. Flag "Status to Child"  A new field "Status to Child" is added to a service request (SR). Set the flag to checked for the SR that is the primary SR.  Duplicate SRs will be added...
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  5095 Hits
5095 Hits