Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Scrollbars and Mouse Wheeling

Enhancements are available for cleaner scrollbars and better mouse wheel responses in the coming release of Calem R2024a.  1. Redundant Scrollbars For instance, The Home screen shows un-necessary scrollbars. The list headers can be scrolled to be invisible (A).There may be two scrollbars for a data list (B). The extra scrollbars...
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  2388 Hits
2388 Hits

How to Add a Custom Section in Forms

A custom section may be added in release R2023d of August 2023. A section is used in new, edit and read forms to segment data for better presentation. For instance, "DESCRIPTION" is a section in work order task form below. Admin users can add own (or custom) sections to Calem forms in the steps below. 1. Find View IDs Each form in Calem h...
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  2818 Hits
2818 Hits

How to Identify Network Issues from Calem Web

Network issues such as internet connection outage will cause Calem to display an error message shown below. The error message indicating a network issue. To confirm the network problem you may use browser developer tools to confirm. Chrome is used as an example. Edge, Safari and Firefox all support developer tools.Go to Chrome's Opti...
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  1828 Hits
1828 Hits

Finding a Menu in Calem Menu Tree

Finding a menu is available in the coming R2022e release. It allows a user to browse and search, in a menu tree, all the menu of the login profile. The menu tree is popped up by clicking the logo image (the 1st screenshot below). It can be expanded, collapsed, or scrolled. Entering a key (or a partial key) filters the tree&...
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  2534 Hits
2534 Hits

Finding a Field in Calem Forms

Finding a field may come handy when you are working with a form with many fields. Fortunately, the function is available in browsers. For instance, pressing control and letter F key (Ctrl + F) at the same time launches a search box in Chrome (screenshot below). Type a field name "category", the browser will highli...
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  2627 Hits
2627 Hits

Calem Dark Mode - An Introduction

Calem Dark Mode will be available in the coming release of R2022e (Q3/Q4 2022). Dark Mode may have health benefits (see this article) including the following. It may reduce eye strain.It may reduce exposure to blue light exposure.The Dark Mode is based on the Mint Theme (discussed in this blog). You may switch between themes along with other change...
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  2366 Hits
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When to Use the Mint Theme of Calem

A new theme, the Mint Theme, is introduced in the coming release of Calem R2022e. The current theme becomes the Classic Theme. The Mint Theme is lighter than the Classic Theme, and might be of less stress to eye balls. You may experiment, compare and adopt it if it works better for you. It is possible to use both themes by&...
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  2909 Hits
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When to Use Compact List Views

A compact list view is introduced in Calem R21f. It combines the title row and toolbar into one row, delivering more space for data presentation. The second screenshot shows the list view with title and toolbar each in its own row. 1. When to Use Compact List Views The advantage of the compact list view is less clutter and more space for data. It i...
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  3611 Hits
3611 Hits

Modules Docking at Top of the Desktop

With the introduction of module home screens in Calem R21e, planned for October 2021, the modules can be docked at the top of the desktop in the web client.  The default menu for a module should be configured to the new home screen. The home screen is the default menu out of the box. A module may be customized wit...
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  2953 Hits
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Home Screens for Modules in Calem

The screen crafted for work order home will be extended to other modules in the coming release of R21e. Each module will have a home screen. The goal of the home screens is to simplify the user interface and boost productivity. A home screen may include: A quick navigation menu bar to launch tasks or reports (Area 1)A quick...
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  3416 Hits
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