Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Department KPIs for Work Orders

Calem Enterprise provides detailed KPIs for departments. Department codes can be a functional segmentation of assets. For instance, a plant can have department codes defined based on manufacturing functions. These department codes can then be used to produce KPIs for insights into operations of a functional area.  The departmental KP...
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  8216 Hits
8216 Hits

Part I - Work Order Status Control

Work order life-cycles are managed through their statuses. Calem Enterprise provides role-based work order status control which allows organizations to achieve advanced processes in managing work orders: Team leaders can complete work ordersSupervisors can accept or reject work ordersPlanners can close work ordersTechnicians are not allowed to edit...
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  8128 Hits
8128 Hits

Work Order Logbook

The work order logbook is an operational tool for customers of Calem Enterprise. Technical staff can start their work day by reviewing what was done previously and schedule their work properly. The log book includes the following information: Work orders that are completed in the past 1 dayWork orders that are not completed, ready to be worked...
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  8182 Hits
8182 Hits

Work Order Summary KPI

A new summary KPI is available for work orders in Release R10g. Maintenance supervisors can get a quick overview of their maintenance operations with the following information:  ​Average time spent in completing a work order by month.Work orders that are open for 10 or more days by monthWork orders that are still open by monthTotal w...
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  8565 Hits
8565 Hits

Work Order Clone

​Work order clone is available in the coming release of R10g.  Work order clone is a handy function to creates a new work order from an existing work order. It copies both work order header and detail information to a new work order. The "Clone" menu is available in work order read screen of the DataView or the "Submission"...
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  6644 Hits
6644 Hits

Asset Part Usage and Bill of Material

Asset part usage and bill of material can be updated based on usage by Calem. You can also define bill of material for assets manually. Asset Part Usage Asset part usage will be shown in a new tab in the asset screen. A technician can view parts used for an asset in the past and decide which parts to use for the current job at hand. Asset Bill...
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  7802 Hits
7802 Hits

PM Schedule Calendar

Preventive maintenance (PM) in Calem Enterprise consists of schedules, action steps, materials, documents, and assets/locations.  Time-based PMs can be forecasted and shown in calendar formats. Here are the screenshots of the PM Calendars. There are two calendars in the generated excel file: The first tab is a 12-month...
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  9804 Hits
9804 Hits

How to Manage Resource Schedules

Calem Enterprise provides the tools to manage your employee work schedules from single shift weekly schedule to multi-shift and multi-week rotational schedules. Here are the components in Calem Enterprise to manage employee schedules: 0. Verifying Schedule Setup Once the schedules are managed by Calem Enterprise, a planner can view employee availab...
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  15874 Hits
15874 Hits

Barcode for Part Checkout

This is the second installment of barcode module. Barcode module has been added in Calem Enterprise R10f. It allows storeroom staff to manage inventory transactions efficiently through barcode labels. You may use a barcode printer such as Honeywell PC43T to print barcode labels and place them on your inventory items. The barcode module support...
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  8560 Hits
8560 Hits

Barcode Printers/Scanners and Inventory Physical Count

Barcode module has been added in Calem Enterprise R10f. It allows storeroom staff to manage inventory transactions efficiently through barcode labels.  1. Equipment Required The following equipment may be necessary based on your requirements. Barcode Label Printer for 1D and 2D Barcode (such as Q-R Code) E.g. DYMO LabelWriter 550 Tur...
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  7695 Hits
7695 Hits

KPI for Work Order Summary by Department

Work order summary by department is ​a new KPI available in Calem Enterprise R10f. It includes the following metrics: Open WO for 10+ days Open WO count Completed WO count % Completed PM WO countAverage time in hours per completed WOHere is a screenshot of the KPI. You can change the month and number of days open for the KPI.
  6575 Hits
6575 Hits

Sending Parts for Offsite Repair

Note: this blog is deprecated. It is replaced by the blog: How to Track Asset Offsite-Repair In the coming release of R10f, you can track parts sent for outside repair from a work order. The outside repair tracking supports the following use cases: ​Track assets sent for outside repair.Track parts sent for outside repair.For par...
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  6172 Hits
6172 Hits

Attaching Multiple Files

Multiple files can be attached in the coming release R10f at once. Here is one use case: ​A user created a service request.In the attachment list, click "+" to add attachments.One can drag and drop multiple files to attach to the newly created service request. One can also select multiple files though file selection.This feature is enable...
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  6469 Hits
6469 Hits

Dashboard without Flash Player

The dashboard graphs are rendered with Adobe Flash by default. In the coming release of R10f, the dashboard can be rendered without the Flash player. To switch from the default Flash, see the Admin Guide for more information. There are are advantages to render graphs with the Flash player. The rendering quality is good and it supports the most...
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  6470 Hits
6470 Hits

CalemEAM Inc. named to CIOReview’s 20 Most Promising Enterprise Asset Management Solution Providers 2016

FREMONT, CA—Aug 23rd— CalemEAM, Inc. has been included in the list of 20 Most Promising Enterprise Asset Management Solution Providers 2016 by CIOReview. "It's a great honor to announce CalemEAM, Inc. as one among the 20 Most Promising Enterprise Asset Management Solution Providers 2016," said Jeevan George, Managing Editor of CIOReview. "CalemEAM,...
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  6640 Hits
6640 Hits

Lock-out and Tag-out

There are a few ways to perform lock-out/tag-out in Calem Enterprise: Option 1: use "Safety measure" or "Step" in work order or PM Plan to define the lock-out/tag-out processes. Option 2: use a permit with type being "Lock-out/Tag-out". Define steps for lock-out/tag-out processes as in Option 1. The custom screens below have been deprecated. T...
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  11783 Hits
11783 Hits

PM Safety and Step Repositories

PM Safety and Step repositories are seeded safety measures and step instructions that you can use when creating PM Plans. Menu path: PM module | Codes | Safety Repository, and Step Repository Add safety measures and steps to their repositories so they can be used in PM Plan creation. An item in the repository can be deleted if they are not used in ...
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  6316 Hits
6316 Hits

Open Work Order Alerts

This feature allows one to define alert emails for open work orders based on their priority and open days. It also allows administrators to configure site-specific alerts and default alerts for the system. Menu path: Admin module | Data Design | Open WO Alert You can define multiple alerts for a work order priority. For instance, here's an exa...
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  7566 Hits
7566 Hits

PM Cloning

​PM Cloning is a feature that allows one to add PMs for other assets or locations. Here is one scenario that you can use the PM Cloning to speed up your PM build out: ​Define a PM Plan for a group of assets. For instance, you define a PM Plan for three-month maintenance for a group of grinder machines. The PM Plan includes labor, material, safety m...
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  6535 Hits
6535 Hits

Asset Relationship Diagram (Deprecated)

This blog is deprecated and superseded by a new blog.​ Asset is a general term used in Calem Enterprise. It includes both EAM assets for maintenance and configuration items that are not related to maintenance. The assets in Calem Enterprise can be used as a configuration management database (CMDB). Asset relationship represents the dependencie...
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  8266 Hits
8266 Hits